X has quited the jobXXX has quited the job.doc

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XXX has quited the job, and I was appointed to contact you in case you need our help on the products and service. So feel free to contact me for any of your questions. Try for this --------------------------------- 首先是建立自己的推广平台,了解产品和行业,调查市场;熟悉 first of all, set up a stage for promoting products, being familiar with own line while investigating market 二是与顾客谈判,其中涉及询盘报价、合同磋商等; negotiation with customers, inquiry/offer/quotation/ talking about contract are included. 三是签订合同; cotracting signing 四是备货生产; production and getting the goods ready 五是订舱租船; boat chartering and shipping 六是报检报关; goods checking and customs clearance 七是投递保险; insure the goods 八是货物发运; delivery 九是寄单收款; documents sent and get paid 十是核销退税。 export tariff rebate 用口语化的描述性的语言吧 首先是建立自己的推广平台,了解产品和行业,调查市场; The first step is to prepare a marketing platform to promote products, to get information of the field and production, and to investigate the targeted market. 二是与顾客谈判,其中涉及询盘报价、合同磋商等; The second step is to find and negociate with customers, it including inquiring, quotation, discussion trading details etc. 三是签订合同; Then it is the third step, the contract! 四是备货生产; After the signing of contract, we have to prepare products accordingly, and it is the fourth step. 五是订舱租船; When we are preparing the goods, one thing is also needed, that is, to book ship or to reserve shipping spaces. 六是报检报关; And the next step, the sixth one, is to apply for the customs and insperatin. 七是投递保险; You know, before we can ship our goods, we need to make ourselves on the safe side, so, to get the goods insured is a must. After we get the insurance policy, everything seems to be ready. 八是货物发运; Now we can ship the goods out!! This is the eighth step. But our work is not finished yet. 九是寄单收款; The ninth step is to collect the payment. If we used an LC for the payment, then we must present our document in time to get the payment safely. 十是核销退税。 And the last step is the clearance after verification and refund of tax. [分享]外贸全流程英


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