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英汉翻译中的理解问题 I had not known him for 20 years without learning that he always kept in the upper-left pocket of his waistcoat the little book in which he put down his engagements. 我认识他已有20年之久,知道他马甲左上方的那个口袋里,总是放着一个小本本,里面写着他的约会安排。 Seat oneself in a wooden chair. 坐在木椅里。 Accept a university chair. 同意在大学里执教。 Chair the board meeting. 主持董事会。 Condemned to the chair. 被处电刑。 John made great progress at school. 约翰的学习有了很大的进步。 Let us be great friends. 让我们做好朋友吧。 He has the reputation of being a blood-sucker. 他是个臭名昭著的吸血鬼。 She has made a reputation for herself through hard work. 她勤奋工作为自己赢得了声誉。 Nine of the 13 children have never held a meaningful job, nor do they care to. Only one of the boys finished high school. Two of the girls became teenage mothers and lived on welfare. One of the girls lived a fast life that came to a crashing end at 22. 在13个孩子中,9个没有像样的工作,他们对此也毫不在乎;只有一个男孩读完了中学;两个女孩未成年便做了母亲,靠救济度日;还有一个女孩放荡不羁,年仅22岁便猝然死去。 --- “I don’t know what you do with your brass,” said Mr Scurridge. ---- “I spent it on you,”she said. “Always a good table, you must have. Never anything short.” ----“不知道你掖着臭钱干什么用,”史卡力先生问。 -----“供你吃喝呀!”她回答道。 “你总是一定要吃好喝好,缺一点都不行。” Philip---So you have decided my career for me? The jam business. James(sharply)----Is there anything to be ashamed of in that? Philip----Oh, no, nothing at all. Only it doesn’t happen to appeal to me. James---If you knew which side your bread was buttered it would appeal to you very considerably. ---您就这样替我决定了我的事业?轻松愉快、舒舒服服地干一辈子? ---这有什么不光彩吗? ----对,是没有什么不光彩,一点也没有,只不过对我来说没有吸引力。 ----假如你知道好歹的话,这吸引力就大了。 Today a politician without elbows is as lost as a politician without principles. 如今一个没有勇气的政治家就像一个没有原则的政治家一样无所作为。 He would be quite a likeable fellow if only he wouldn’t act the goat so much. He burned his fingers badly, though we warned him against it. He lost nearly all his money he had invested. Mr. Wilson talks a lot but Mrs Wilson wears trousers in their house. Last night, an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge. I had the kind


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