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阅读课教学设计与反思 林李华(广州市中学)Unit 3 Modern machines 教学内容:Reading A & Reading B Computers 课 型:阅读课 教学时间:40分钟 教材分析本单元谈论。。分析学生对这个题会比较感兴趣,。 教学目标…, make mistakes, for the time being 拓 展词 汇 unaware, be unaware of…, dependent, be dependent on…,diagram, essential, drive, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM 2. 能力发展目标: 1 巧,培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、搜寻核心信息、匹配信息 等,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。 2)帮助学生建立初步的语篇结构意识。 3)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。 情感目标: 拓展学生的视野学生。Make a prediction. multi- media 2. Pre-reading 唤醒学生的相关图式,激发学生学习的兴趣。 Get the students to do a brainstorming. Brainstorming:What can a computer do? multi- media While- reading 培养学生搜寻核心信息的能力。 (1) Guide the students to find out the main ideas for the three passages. (1) Read through Reading A and try to get the main ideas textbook 培养学生搜寻细节信息的能力。 (2) Ask the students to read Reading A quickly and find the examples. (2) Read Reading A quickly and complete the examples in Ex.A3. Work in pairs. textbook 引导学生进一步理解文章。培养学生匹配信息的能力。 (3) Ask the students to read Reading A again and try to find some sentences from the passages with the same meanings. (3) Read Reading A again and try to find out the sentences from the passages with the same meanings. handout 4. Reading B 巩固搜寻核心信息的能力。 (1) Ask the students to read B2 quickly and get the main idea of each part. (1) Read B2 quickly and get the main idea of each part. textbook 巩固搜寻细节信息的能力。 (2) Get the students to read B2 again and do some T or F questions. (2) Read B2 again and do some T or F questions. handout 5. Post-reading 引导学生初步地整体感知语篇结构。 (1) Guide the students to read through Reading A &B again and pay attention to the structure of the passage. Help them to complete the outline for Passage 1. (Set an example) (2)Get the students to work in groups and finish the outlines for the other two passages of Reading A. (1) Read through Reading A &B again and pay attention to the structure of the passage. (2) Group work. Match the supporting ideas with the topic ideas of the other two passages of Readi



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