新世纪商务综合英语3 课后翻译答案 王彦.doc

新世纪商务综合英语3 课后翻译答案 王彦.doc

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新世纪商务综合英语3 课后翻译答案 王彦

Unit 1 远处松林覆盖的群山沐浴在一种不知来自何处的略带绿色的紫光里。 In the distance, mountains covered by pines were bathed in greenish purple light that seemed to come from nowhere. 电影散场时,电影院出口人流熙熙攘攘,人们都纷纷涌出影院往家赶去。 When the movie over, the exit of the cinema was aswarm with people, and everyone poured forth and made for their home. 她在用钱方面相当谨慎,总是偷偷把钱藏在床底下。 She is cautious about (spending) money, and always secretes it away under the bed. 经过一周只有面包和豆子的贫困生后,他发现自己很难抵御这顿丰盛晚宴的诱惑。 After a weeks’s meager life of bread and beans, he found it hard to resist the sumptuous dinner. 很多家长对孩子长大独立都怀有一种欣慰中交织着难过的复杂心情,可能是由于嫉妒孩子们拥有远离自己的生活,希望能完全拥有孩子。 Many parents harbor a mixed feeling of happiness threaded with sadness towards their children’s growing up and independence, maybe because they are jealous of their children’s life away from them, and wish to have their children all to themselves. Unit 2 如果不处理好双方相互冲突的需求、孩子、事业、家务、医生帐单等琐碎事情,婚姻是夫妻幸福、孩子安全、社会稳定的源泉这种说法只不过是空谈而已。 If the trivial things such as clashing needs, kids, career, housework, doctor’s bill etc. can’t be dealt with, it’s just a palaver about marriage as a source of bless for the couple, security for the kids and societal stability. 女人婚后成为男人心理和身体健康的管家,因为妻子会定期督促丈夫去体检。 Women become the man’s mental-and-physical housekeepers after marriage, because the wives would prod the husband to have a physical examination regularly. 结婚不仅可以减少抽烟、酗酒和情绪问题,还有助于减轻压力,避免高血压、紧张性头痛等,促进身体健康。 Marriage can not only reduce the problem of smoking, drinking and emotional ills, but also help to lessen stress, circumvent high blood pressure, tension headaches etc, and improve physical health. 婚姻所带来的好处是有性别差异的,比如,只有对婚姻满意的女性才会像男性那样在忙碌工作了一天回家之后感到轻松,婚姻延长寿命、减少癌症死亡率的作用对男性更明显,而不幸福的婚姻对女性的伤害更大一些。 There are differences between the sexes in the benefits of marriage, for instance, only the maritally satisfied women can get relief when they come back home after a busy day at work as men do. The life-lengthening power of marriage and the lower cancer-death incidence are more obvious to men, while an u


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