初三英语一轮复习(六) 8A Units 4-6译林出版社.docVIP

初三英语一轮复习(六) 8A Units 4-6译林出版社.doc

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初三英语一轮复习(六) 8A Units 4-6译林出版社

初三英语一轮复习(六) 8A Units 4-6译林出版社 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: 一轮复习(六) 8A Units 4-6 二. 教学目标: 对8A Units 4-6中的知识点加以梳理并灵活运用 【具体教学过程】 【考点透视】 词汇的用法讲解与操练 1. if的2种用法。 试题1 ①He doesn’t tell me if he _____(go) to the USA last Wednesday. ②He doesn’t tell me if he _________________(go) to the USA tomorrow. ③He doesn’t tell me if he _________________(be) to the USA already. 试题2 ①If tomorrow _____(be) sunny, I’ll go fishing. ②If everybody ________(do) something for the wild animals, the world will be more beautiful. 2. Tom told me that leaves ______________ (turn) yellow in autumn. 一般现在时代替将来时。 ①Summer holidays ______________(start) next Thursday. ②If a bear is in danger, it ______________(attack) people. 3. sadly, angrily, happily, carefully, luckily 副词考。 试比较以下几题: ①_____, the police arrived on time and caught the robbers. (luck) They were _____________that the police arrived on time and caught the robbers. ②Tom looked ______________(angry) at me and went away without saying anything. Tom looked ______________(angry) and went away without saying anything. ③Ann does her homework ___________________ (care) than any other student in our class. Ann is ________________________ than any other student in our class. 4. live, life, alive , lively ①live vi. 活着, 生活, 居住, 如:live /________ a place; 独自生活live ______________ vt. 过着, 度过, 经历 如: a happy life adv. 以实况地 如:be covered②life (复数:)生命, 生活, 一生 词组:③alive 活着的 其是;When people came, he was still alive. ④lively 活泼的, 活跃的 Alice is a very lively girl. 试题: The old man ____ here all his ________. He__________ a happy _____________ (live). 那个老人一生都生活在这里,他过着幸福的生活。 nowhere, where, anywhere, somewhere, here, there, abroad 这些都是表示地点的副词,注意其前面不要加介词。 ①In the past, people had nowhere to live in. 改错 ②Can you tell me where your father has been to? 改错 ③My pen must be _____. But I can’t find it ________________. (somewhere) 6. danger, dangerous, be in danger Wu Song was in _______________ because the tiger was a __________________ animal. Most wol


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