appreciation and interpretation of Chinese ancient poetryappreciation and interpretation of Chinese ancient poetry.doc

appreciation and interpretation of Chinese ancient poetryappreciation and interpretation of Chinese ancient poetry.doc

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appreciation and interpretation of Chinese ancient poetryappreciation and interpretation of Chinese ancient poetry

绝色惊人出汉宫, 红颜薄命古今同。 纵使君王轻颜色, 予夺权何箅画工? 五美吟之昭君。 A rare beauty, who departed from Han palace, was quite attractive, Unfortunate beauties can be found, ancient times and modern society alike. Despite devalue imposed on that beauty by emperor Yuan of Han dynasty, How could the emperor delegate the power of selecting beauty to painter Mao? Appreciation of five ancient beauties (Consort Wang) 一代倾城逐浪花, 吴宫空自亿儿家。 效颦莫笑东村女, 发白溪边尚綄纱。 五美吟之西施。 A woman with charming appearance disappeared like a spray of waves, She recalled her happy childhood in vain, dwelling in Wu palace. Do not ridicule Dong shi living in the east of village, who ever performed crude imitation. Look, she, with gray hair, is still washing clothes by the river, Appreciation of five ancient beauties (Xi Shi) 断肠乌骓啸西风, 虞兮幽恨对重瞳。黥彭甘受他年醢,饮剑何如楚帐中?ancient beauties (Consort Yu) 赤壁沉埋水不流, 徒留名姓载空舟。 喧阗一炬悲风冷 无限英魂在内游。 壮士须防恶犬欺, 三齐位定盖棺时。 寄言世俗休轻鄙 一饭之恩死也知。 ’s bullying, When Han Xin was a prince of Qi state,his fate was sealed. Warning the mortals against despising the inferior, Han Xin never forgot the gift of a meal until his death. Huaiyin dwelling on antiquity 黑水茫茫咽不流, 冰弦拨尽曲中愁。 汉家制度诚堪叹, 应惭万古羞。



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