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美国口语惯用语 所谓惯用语,是指那些短语(phases)、非正式的习惯用语(informal phrases)、谚语(proverbs)和俚语(slang)。这些语言频繁出现在美国人的日常会话、书刊、电影、广播、歌曲中。作为一个英语学习者,了解这些美国人常用的短语、俗语、谚语、俚语并在适当的时候加以运用,无疑会使你的英语更符合美国人的讲话习惯,听起来更地道。下面请看美国口语惯用语(1)。 The salesman has a silken tongue. 那店员有一条三寸不烂之舌。 2. So how have you been getting along? 你一直过得怎么样? 3. He hit it off with his coworkers. 他和他的同事相处得很好。 4. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. 不要因小失大。 5. I broke the bank after I bought the apartment. 我买完房子后就身无分文了。 6. Don’t beat around the bush. Tell me the truth. 憋拐弯抹角了,快把真相告诉我。 7. Did you witness the murder? 你目击到这场谋杀了吗? 8. I had to rob Peter to pay Paul. 我只好借新债还旧债。(拆了东墙补西墙) Can I get some directions? 我能问一下路吗? He speaks like a book. 他说话文绉绉的。 My father is hitting the bottle again. 我父亲又在狂饮了。 What’s going on here? 这里发生什么事了? 13. My wife got hooked on gambling. 我太太沉迷于赌博。 14. He was trying to butter her up when he said she was beautiful. 他说她漂亮实际上是在巴结她。 May I take tomorrow /this Friday off, please? 我明天/这周五可以请假吗? I’d like to apply for a credit card. 我想申请信用卡。 17. My wife is doing her face. 我太太正在化妆。 18. Your idea is just pie in the sky. 你的想法是不太可能实现的。 19. I think your ex-wife is trying to get back at you。 我觉得你的前期在试图报复你。 20. I feel like a fish out of water among those high-society people. 和那些上流社会的人在一起,我感到很不自在。 I think he did it on purpose. 我想他是故意的。 You’ve gone too far. 你太过分了。 Stop trying to find fault with everybody! 不要总是去挑每个人的毛病。 The boy used four-letter words in his composition. 这个男孩在作文中使用了脏话。 Mark’s girlfriend is a total fox. 马克的女朋友很性感。 I’m sick of being lied to. 我讨厌别人对我撒谎。 27. I refuse to kiss up to anyone. 我拒绝对任何人卑躬屈膝。 28. Caroline ran away with her boss. 卡罗琳和她的老板私奔了。 29. The secret of losing weight through exercise is to keep at it. 运动减肥的秘诀就在于持之以恒。 30. Congress killed the bill. 国会否决了这个议案。 31. You told a white lie when you said she was cute. 当你说她可爱时,你撒了一个无恶意的谎言。 32. Would you stop kidding around? 别开玩笑了可以吗? 33. Your story just doesnt hold water. 你说的不合情理。 34. She has a sweet tooth. 她爱吃甜食。 35.


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