考试版 阅读3-期末考试版 阅读3-期末.doc

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《阅读3》期末考试试卷_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________ 分数:_________ Part ⅠVocabulary Section A (10 minutes) Direction: Translate the following Chinese words into English. The first letter of the corresponding English word has been given. (15×1’) 欣赏 v. s_________ 激怒 v. i_________ 反感 n. a_________ 不人道的 a. i________ 鸣谢 n. a________ 大量的 a. s_________ 坚持不懈 n. p_________ 肤浅的表面的a. s________ 世故的 a. s_________ 歧义 n. a_________ 污水、废气n. e________ 谴责 n. c_________ 灾难的、悲惨的 a. c_________ 交换、通勤 v. c_________ 赞助 v. s_________ Section B (15 minutes) Direction: For each underlined word or expression, choose the best meaning below. (15?i’) At least this episode has ignited a lively debate on the issues. A. caused B. set fire on C. calmed down Sickness was rampant in the areas. A. common B. widespread C. serious Numerous parallels exist between Hemingway’s life and the lives of his characters. A. problems B. contrasts C. similarities The saleswoman seems very zealous to please. A. hard B. eager C. willing Hope and fear alternate in my heart. A. change B. occur by turns C. rise Industrial effluents have gravely polluted the scenic river. A. waste liquid B. waste products C. waste gas With the advent of spring, trees began to put out new leaves. A. end B. approach C. arrive Becoming president is his ultimate goal. A. great B. first C. final The old cathedral is dwarfed by the skyscrapers that surround it. A. made appear smaller B. made appear bigger C. made appear newer He turned his back on those against him. A. criticized B. ignored C. left The members were unanimous is approving the project. A. in complete disagreement B. in complete agreement C. in partial agreement Wearing cosmetics does harm to the skin. A. makeup B. long hair C. tight clothes There were dee


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