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Fantasy Literature His Dark Materials黑暗物质 电影 A girl called Lyra 利拉. Lyra’s useful things A boy called Will 威尔. Everyone has a daemon(精灵) A group of people invent a machine that can separate a person from his daemon机器切割人与自己的精灵 Lyra tries to stop them 3 refer to the most important people who have the main part in a story? 4 refer to animals? 5 means to happen? Say the words about Fantasy Literature Quickly remember快速记忆 devil 魔鬼 , witch 巫婆, wizard 男巫, spirit 精灵 , fairy 仙女 , angle 天使 , universe 宇宙, alien 外星人, magic power 魔力 , magical 魔幻的,不可思议的,hero 男主角 ,heroine 女主人公 philosophical 哲学的, best seller畅销书,mystery story 怪诞小说 , plot 情节, science fiction 科幻小说 Guess some proverbs or questions about Fantasy Literature 猜谚语------The devil knows many things because he is old. 老马识途 猜谚语-----Before gold, even the king take off their hats. 猜俗语成语-----Beauty and the Beast 猜谚语-----speak of the devil and he will appear. 猜谚语-----on the side of the angel. Homework: 1.read the brief of His dark materials ------three books Homework: 2.write a short story with some words and expressions about fantasy literature. * 东方红中学 侯春荣 Module 2 Philip Pullman 菲利普. 普尔曼 L黑暗物质 第一部 Careful reading for detailed information Answer questions 1.Who is the hero of the novel ? A boy called Will 威尔. 2.Who is the heroine of the novel? A girl called Lyra 利拉. Answer questions 3.What kind of novel is His Dark Materials? A fantasy novel. 4. What is the second book of His Dark Materials? The Subtle Knife task 1. Read the passage and underline the words and phrases that show His Dark Materials is a fantasy story. Answers: (a) The story takes place in several different words. (b) a war that could destroy the universe (c) witches, talking bears and other strange creatures Tell the story What do you know about His Dark Materials? 2. Read the passage in Activity1 again and answer the questions about the words and phrases in the box.


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