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摘 要 基坑支护方法种类繁多,每一种支护方法都有一定的适用范围,也都有其相应的优点和缺点,一定要因地制宜,选用合理的支护方式,具体工程中采用何种支护方法主要根据开挖深度、岩土性质、基坑周围场地情况以及施工条件等因素综合考虑决定。 本设计对福清裕荣城市综合体基坑支护设计。本设计是根据国家现行建筑基坑支护技术规程,在给定地质勘察报告的条件下,进行基坑支护设计,主要目的是掌握基坑支护的设计方法。本设计采用了锚杆支撑、土钉墙等基坑支护结构。在土压力计算过程中,运用了朗肯土压力理论;在降水处理设计时参照了建筑基坑支护技术规程;计算过程中除了以国家现行建筑基坑工程技术规程为依据外,还大量的把实际经验运用其中,加强理论与实践的结合。此次设计的主要指导原则是在保证安全的前提下,设计既要合理,又要节约造价。 关键词: 基坑支护;锚杆支撑;土钉墙;降水处理 Abstract A wide variety of excavation methods , each method has some support scope, but also has its respective advantages and disadvantages , must be adapted to local conditions , the choice of reasonable support method , which support specific projects using The method is mainly based on comprehensive consideration of factors determine the depth of the excavation , soil properties , excavation and construction site conditions surrounding conditions . The design for the city of Fuqing Yurong complex excavation design . The design is based on existing national building regulations pit support technology , under the conditions of a given geological survey report , conducted excavation design , the main purpose is to master the design foundation pit . This design uses a bolt support , such as soil nailing wall excavation structure. In earth pressure calculation process , the use of Rankine earth pressure theory ; precipitation treatment in reference to the architectural design of supporting technical regulations pit ; calculation process in addition to the existing construction based on national technical regulations pit , but also a large number of the use of practical experience which strengthen the integration of theory and practice . The main guiding principle of this design is to ensure the safety of the premise , the design should not only reasonable , but also save cost Key words: Excavation; anchor support; soil nail wall; precipitation treatmen 目 录 第一部分 基坑支护结构设计 1 工程简介 1 1.1 工程概况 1 1.2 基坑周边条件 1 1.2.1 基坑周边环境概况 1 1.2.2 基坑安全等级 1 1.3 场地岩土工程条件 1 1


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