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Li Keqiang: A man who puts people first File?photo taken on April 28, 2012 shows?Li Keqiang?delivers a speech at Moscow State University in Moscow, the capital of Russia. [Photo/Xinhua] BEIJING - His toughness in advancing complex reforms, as well as his social warmth and scholarly temperament have made him a major figure in Chinas political arena. Calling reform the biggest dividend for China, Vice-Premier?Li Keqiang?has used different occasions to facilitate reforms since being re-elected in mid-November as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee. Reform is like rowing upstream. Failing to advance means falling back, he said at a symposium on advancing comprehensive reforms. Those who refuse to reform may not make mistakes, but they will be blamed for not assuming their historical responsibility, he said. Chinas new wave of reform has begun with curbing bureaucracy in meetings. When presiding over meetings, Li forbids officials to read prepared speeches, encourages them to take the floor freely and asks incisive and persistent questions to get to the bottom of matters. In a meeting on Chinas HIV/AIDS?prevention and treatment, he encouraged representatives from nongovernmental organizations to talk more about their problems, even though this delayed his appointment with other officials. Li has also emphasized that only reform can improve Chinese peoples living standards and that future reforms must ensure equal rights and opportunities for the people and ensure that everybody adheres to the rules. From secretary of a villages CPC branch to member of the CPCs highest leading body, Li, 57, has continuously maintained a down-to-earth work style and the principle of putting people first. His curriculum vitae reflects his rich governance experience. Li served as secretary of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) committee of Peking University. He was a member of the Secretariat of the CYL



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