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黄冈师范学院 2011-2012学年度第一学期期末试卷 考试课程:英语学科教学论 考核类型: 考试B卷 考试形式: 闭卷 出卷教师: 袁祁 考试专业: 英语2009 考试班级: 200901-200910 I. Filling Blanks: (20%) Directions: In this section there are 9 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with appropriate word/words. One point is given to each blank. (20 points, 1 point each) 1. There are three types of reading models (1) approach, (2) approach and the interactional process of reading. 2. China’s new National English Curriculum is designed to promote the students’ (3) , which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language knowledge, language skill, learning (4) , affect, and (5) . 3. The second stage of the development of professional competence for a language teacher involves three sub-stages: learning, (6) , and (7) . 4. According to Ellis (1990: 31), the six criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities are: communicative purpose; (8) ; content, not form; (9) ; no teacher intervention; no materials control. 5. Based on the functions the teacher performs in different classroom activities, Harmer defines the teacher’s role as (10) , assessor, (11) , (12) , participant and resource-provider. 6. Pennington (2002: 92-93) proposes a synthesis approach to grammar pedagogy, she emphasized that grammar teaching should be ‘(13) , constructive, contextual and (14) ’. 7. In teaching and learning vocabulary, it is necessary for both teachers and learners to be aware of the distinction between (15) and (16) vocabulary. 8. The (17) view sees language as a system of structurally related elements for the transmission of meaning, and (18) view sees language primarily as the means for establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships and for performing social transactions between individual. 9. The word ‘dog’ with its (19) meaning referring to the animal itself has a (20) . meaning often r


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