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代替 SMTC5100014-2013(V2)前言本标准是对SMTC 5 100 014—2013(V2)的修订,自本标准实施之日起废除SMTC5 100 014—2013(V2)。本标准与SMTC5 100 014—2013(V2)相比主要变化如下:——变更了规范性引用文件——修改了镀铬层厚度——修改了镀镍层最小厚度要求,增加了各镍层占总镍层百分比的要求——限制了镍层之间电位差的范围——提高了微孔数的要求——修改了CASS试验结果的评判方法请注意本标准的某些内容可能涉及专利,上汽集团不承担识别这些专利的责任。当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。本标准由材料分标委提出。本标准由SMTC技术标准化委员会批准。本标准由标准化工作组负责标准化审核及归口管理。本标准起草部门:质量保证部。本标准主要起草人:张国良、虞莲雯、付玉生、。本标准于201×年××月××日首次批准发布,201×年××月××日实施。本次为第1次修订。本版本所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:——SMTC 5 100 014—2011(V1)——SMTC 5 100 014—2013(V2)ForewordThis standard is a revision for SMTC 5 100 014– 2013 (V2). This standard will replace SMTC 5 100 014– 2013 (V2) from the implementation date.The main changes between this standard and SMTC 5 100 014– 2013 (V2) are as follows:modified normative documentschanged the requirement of chrome layer thicknessmodified the minimum thickness requirement of nickel layer, and increased requirement of each special nickel percentage of the total nickellimited the potential range among nickel layersimproved the requirement of microporesmodified the evaluation method of CASS test resultsPlease note that some contents in this standard may relate to patent rights, which SAIC Motor shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.This standard is in Chinese and English. If in doubt, the Chinese version is the Master.This standard was proposed by material sub-committee.This standard was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee.The Standardization Work Team is responsible for the standardization approval and overall management of this standard.The drafting department of this standard is Quality Assurance Dept.The main drafters of this standard are Zhang Guoliang, Yu Lianwen, Fu Yusheng, and Han Weimin.This standard was first published on mm.dd, 201× and implemented onmm.dd, 201×. This standard is the first revision.The versions superseded by this standard:——SMTC 5 100 014– 2011 (V1)——SMTC 5 100 014– 2013 (V2)镍/铬电镀层表面保护要求Electroplate nickel/chromium coatings requirement


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