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高水平游泳运动员竞技能力临场发挥特征的研究 ? 张玉泉,王宪红 (琼州学院体育学院,海南 三亚572022) ? 摘要:采用文献资料法、数理统计法,对第11届全运会游泳比赛最终获得各单项前8名运动员竞技能力的发挥水平进行统计分析。结果显示:在预赛、半决赛及决赛中运动员竞技能力的总体发挥水平呈逐渐递增的态势,预赛为99.52%,半决赛为100.39%,决赛高达101.52%。男女决赛前3名的发挥均明显优于4~8名选手。不同赛次其竞技能力的发挥水平存在显著差异,男女发挥水平均表现为:决赛>半决赛>预赛。在半决赛、决赛中女子的发挥明显优于男子,在预赛中男女发挥无明显性别差异。在预赛、半决赛中速度性短游项目运动员的发挥均优于耐力性中长游项目的发挥,在决赛中无明显项目差异。这与运动员竞技状态、赛次目标、实力隐蔽、体力分配及机能节省化的需要有关。 关键词:游泳比赛;运动员;竞技能力;发挥水平 ? High Swimming Spot Athletic Play Characteristics ? Zhang Yu-quan, Wang xiang-hong ?(CollegeofPhysical Education,QiongzhouUniversity,Hainansanya 572022 ) ? Abstract: literature, mathematics and statistics, on the 11th National Swimming Competition ultimately the individual ability of the top 8 players to play competitive level for statistical analysis. The results showed: in the preliminaries, semifinals and final of the overall athletic ability to play the level was gradually increasing trend, preliminary 99.52% to 100.39% semi-finals and finals as much as 101.52%. Men and women to play before the final three were significantly better than the 4 to 8 players. Different rounds of their athletic ability to play a significant level of difference between men and women to play water on average as follows: Final semi preliminaries. In the semi-finals to play much better than men, women, men and women in the preliminary round play no significant gender differences. In the preliminaries, the speed of the semi-finals to play short tour athletes are better than endurance in the long tour to play the project, no significant items in the final difference. This athletic status, race time goals, hidden strength, physical distribution and function of the need to save the. Keywords: Swimming; athletes; competitive ability; play level ? 1前言 成功的参加运动竞赛是运动员训练的最终目的。运动员经过运动训练不断积累、获得的竞技能力,只有通过运动竞赛这一特有的形式充分得以“再现”和检验,并取得最佳的比赛效益,才能得到社会的承认和认可。然而,运动训练过程与竞赛实践证明,运动员竞技能力的获得与竞技能力的 __________________________________________ 第一作者简介:张玉泉(1965-),男,汉族,山东聊城人,硕士,副教授,主要从事体育教育训练学与运动竞赛学研究。 E-mail:yqzhang@。 临场发挥水平或为对称的


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