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河南城建学院 《给水排水管网系统》课程设计 班 级 026413163 专 业 给排水科学与工程 设计时间 2015.12.21~2016.1.1 设计地点 九号楼A502 课程名称 给水排水管网系统 指导教师 谭水成 市政与环境工程学院 2015年12月 前 言 课程设计是课程学习期间的一项重要的实践性教学环节,是获得工程知识必不可少的锻炼和实现培养目标的重要手段。本次课程设计为杭州市给水排水管道工程设计,设计时间为两周。整个设计包括三大部分:给水管道设计、污水管道设计和雨水管道设计。 在大致了解杭州市地形位置和分布后,我决定采用整体供水满足城市用水需求的供水方案。给水管道的设计内容主要包括管线布置及水厂选址、设计流量的计算、清水池容积的确定、管网的水力计算、管网平差和校核等。考虑到城市的初步规划以及资金投资问题,排水体制采用完全分流制,即污水和雨水分别设置独立的管道系统。生活污水和工业废水通过污水排水系统送至污水处理厂,经处理后再排入水体;雨水是通过雨水排水系统直接排入水体。排水管道的设计内容主要包括排水体制的确定、设计流量计算和管网水力计算。 课程设计让我们结合所学知识,运用CAD、鸿业软件进行绘图和平差校核计算,绘制出自己设计的给水排水管道总平面布置图和污水干管纵剖面图。通过课程设计,我们可以将以前学的基础理论、基本技能及专业知识有机地统一起来,形成一个较为全面的专业知识水平能力框架,为今后更深层次的专业学习打下坚实的基础。 Preface Curriculum design is not only an significant practical teaching link during the study of course , but also an requisite exercise to obtain engineering knowledge and an important mean to realize the training objectives. The curriculum design is the Hangzhou water supply and drainage pipeline engineering design, and design time is two weeks. The whole design is divided into three parts: the design of the water supply pipeline, the design of the sewage pipe and the design of the rainwater pipeline. In the general understanding of Hangzhou topographic location and distribution, I decided to use the overall water supply scheme to meet the demand for urban. Water supply pipeline design content mainly includes Pipeline layout and water plant site selection , calculation of the designed flowrate of water supply pip , determination of the volume of clear water tank, Hydraulic calculation of pipe network , adjustment and check of pipe network and so on. Considering the problem of cities in the initial planning and capital investment, the drainage system adopts full streaming, namely sewage and rainwater are respectively arranged independently of the pipeline system. Domestic sewage and industrial wastewater through the sewage


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