groundwater contamination- mill valley school district(地下水污染——米尔谷学区).doc

groundwater contamination- mill valley school district(地下水污染——米尔谷学区).doc

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Groundwater Contamination Supplies: Each group is responsible for bringing the following supplies to class next week: Bottom of a clear, plastic two-liter soda bottle (you want the bottle to be 1 inch shorter than your pump mechanism Pump mechanism from a liquid soap dispenser (you may use any type of dispenser as long at it pumps easily and does NOT spray) Spray bottle (for misting plants or the kind that you find on the end of most household cleaning bottles) Background Information: The U.S. Congress passed the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) in response to growing concern about health and environmental threats from hazardous waste sites. This law is commonly called Superfund. Working with states and Indian Tribal governments, Superfund requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to deal with abandoned, accidentally spilled, or illegally dumped hazardous wastes from the past, primarily from businesses and industry. Other types of pollution are handled by other environmental laws. This week’s laboratory will explore what it is like to clean up a Superfund site. Below are several maps that you will need for class. As well, there is a methods/procedure list. PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE coming to lab. Also, please PRINT this document and bring it to lab. You will need to include these maps in your laboratory notebook to receive full credit for the lab. You will be asked to think about the following questions in class. Please record your thoughts (in class) in your notebook. HOW might contaminants spread from the site? HOW might animals or plants may be exposed to contaminants from the site? HOW people in Ruralville and Utopia may be exposed to contaminants from the site? WHAT factors would affect the amount of exposure from site contamination? Groundwater contamination is a major concern in the Superfund Program, and it is difficult to visualize how contaminants move under



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