h o w t o r u n t h e d a q s y s t e m- fermilab(h o w t o r u n t h e d q s y s e m -费米实验室).doc

h o w t o r u n t h e d a q s y s t e m- fermilab(h o w t o r u n t h e d q s y s e m -费米实验室).doc

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h o w t o r u n t h e d a q s y s t e m- fermilab(h o w t o r u n t h e d q s y s e m -费米实验室)

THE DAQ COOKBOOK Charis Quay Huei Li Mount Holyoke College July 23, 1999 Comments/Suggestions/Complaints/Hot Coals?? Send to: chquay@mtholyoke.edu OR bishai@fnal.gov HOW TO RUN THE DAQ SYSTEM THE BASICS Preliminaries ( Make sure that everything is hooked up right. ( You might want to cover the SVX device, be it chip card, hybrid or ladder. (If it is none of the above, you might have messed up on the previous step.) We have found that light sometimes has adverse effects on these things. ( Switch on the power supply. This must be done in the right order: #1 – 2V DOIM #2 – 5V DOIM #3 – AVDD (6V, unless regulator on port card blown; then 5V and bypass port card, i.e. feed power directly to chip.) #4 – DVDD (5V) #5 – VC204 (2.5V) There should be numbers or labels stuck on/near the various switches. If not, ask someone. Start the Code ( If you are using an NT machine, start up Xstart. The icon should be on the desktop or under the program group Exceed. If it’s not on the desktop, when you find it, do everyone a favour and put it there. ( Connect to either fndaub, fndao2 (slaughte, david791), harv4, harv5 (svxii, harv_svxii) or svxiib (fccdaq, svxii_user). The first 2 machines are SGI’s. The other machines are Linux. ( At the prompt, type: cd ~/fccdaqX/rundaq (X = 1, 2, 3, 4…depending on your system.) source setup.csh (Sometimes you have to go to cd ~/devel to do this.) ( Check the file system.cfg (Figure 8) to make sure that the correct crates are in it. These usually look like crate_name.crate If they are not, run the perl script cfgsys or edit system.cfg. The necessary crate files should be sitting in the same directory. If they are non-existent, run cfgcrate to create them. The crate names are the MVME processor names. For more about cfg files, scroll down to the ‘Configuration Files’ section. ( Check the crate files to mak



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