harvard university departmentof economics(哈佛大学departmentof经济学).doc

harvard university departmentof economics(哈佛大学departmentof经济学).doc

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harvard university departmentof economics(哈佛大学departmentof经济学)

Harvard University Department of Economics Economics 970 Economics of the Family Moors 2, Pforzheimer Spring 2008 Time M/W 2:30-4:00 PM Michelle Schaaf, Tutorial Leader mschaaf@law.harvard.edu / 919-824-6913 Course Description As noted by Gary Becker—one of the leaders in the field of family economics—in his Nobel lecture, “The family is arguably the most fundamental and oldest of institutions - some authors trace its origin to more than 50,000 years ago.” It is an institution that cuts across cultural, racial and socioeconomic lines; people the world over have chosen quite similar family structures for companionship and child-rearing. This seminar will analyze choices made by individuals and families from an economic perspective.? Topics will include the marriage market, divorce, reproductive behavior, intra-family allocation of goods, time and or power, labor supply, and family policy. Course Materials Crittenden, Danielle. 1999. What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us: Why Happiness Eludes the Modern Woman. (Paperback) Touchstone Books Antony W. Dnes and Robert Rowthorn. 2002. The Law and Economics of Marriage and Divorce. (Paperback) Cambridge University Press Additional Readings Posted Online Course Requirements Class Participation. 25% of grade. Discussion Questions. 10% of grade. (at least 3 questions per class) To aid in your class preparation and assist me in tailoring discussion topics, please submit at least 2 questions about the readings before each class period. Questions should generally pose discussion questions about theory, policy, etc. but can also ask about theories or analysis with which you are struggling. Questions should be submitted by 5pm the night before class. Response Papers. 10% of grade divided among 3 papers. (10 pages total) These papers are intended to allow you to think more deeply about and respond to the readings and class discussion. You may complete these papers at any point during the semester and may di



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