health care planforthe school year20032004(卫生保健year20032004 planforthe学校).doc

health care planforthe school year20032004(卫生保健year20032004 planforthe学校).doc

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health care planforthe school year20032004(卫生保健year20032004 planforthe学校)

Health Care Plan for the School Year 2004/200 Student Name: [First Name] [Last Name] Parent’s Phone Numbers: home: * Mom cell phone – (try this number first) Mom work number – Dad work number – [First Name] has type 1 diabetes mellitus. This is a condition in which the pancreas is unable to make insulin. Without insulin, the body cannot change glucose (sugar) into the energy a person needs. To compensate for the lack of natural insulin, she wears an insulin pump. [First Name] uses her insulin pump to administer insulin to match the carbohydrates in the food she eats (bolus) and the amount her body needs without food (basal). [First Name] also has asthma. [First Name]’s basal rates and boluses must be balanced with her meals, snacks and regular physical activity. To consistently achieve this balance, she must check her blood sugar frequently. Depending on the daily classroom schedule, [First Name] will need to check her blood glucose level before lunch, before and after physical education class as well as when her blood glucose is low or too high. We will review her schedule for checking blood sugar prior to the start of each school year. While [First Name] is achieving age appropriate independence in self-management of her diabetes, the adults who work with her will need to be supportive and understanding about her daily regimen. Her self-care needs will be integrated into the school day so there are minimal interruptions to the learning environment. Blood glucose levels must be maintained in the 4 to 7 range for optimal learning and testing of academic skills and her health. When [First Name]’s blood sugar is too low she becomes easily frustrated and has trouble processing information. When her blood sugar is too high she feels sluggish and has difficulty paying close attention. Low and high blood sugar can also be medical emergencies. [First Name] likes to be treated like any other kid and is very open about her condition. Low Blood Sugar (



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