most common rhetorical strategies(最常见的修辞策略).doc

most common rhetorical strategies(最常见的修辞策略).doc

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Rhetorical Strategies Mr. Balla/Caughey AP English Language Every discipline employs a special vocabulary; rhetorical analysis is no exception. Rhetorical analysis is based in part on the assumption that writing is a purposeful activity and that excellent writing resulting in works of literary merit is not merely a happy accident. During the year you will familiarize yourself with some of the terminology that is used in rhetorical analysis. To that end, you will be creating a glossary of rhetorical strategies that you encounter in your reading. The specific devices you will need to use for your entries over the course of the year are discussed in a separate handout. To summarize: you must complete entries for the five principle aspects of rhetorical analysis: ?Pathos ?Ethos ?Logos ?Repetition ?Description You must also select devices from the list below for your remaining entries. Any device that you wish to use that is not included this list will need to be cleared by me first. Alliteration Antithesis Climax Epizeuxis Metanoia Polysyndeton Allusion Apophasis Conduplicatio Epanalepsis Hypotaxis Parenthesis Synecdoche Antimetabole Litotes Personification Understatement Antiphrasis Chiasmus Epithet Eponym Metaphor Procatalepsis Amplification Aporia Diacope Exemplum Metonymy Rhetorical Question Catachresis Epistrophe Anacoluthon Aposiopesis Dirimens Copulatio Expletive Onomatopoeia Scesis Onomaton Anadiplosis Apostrophe Distinctio Hyperbaton Oxymoron Enthymeme Hyperbole Parallelism Simile Anaphora Assonance Enumeratio Hypophora Parataxis Symploce Antanagoge Asyndeton Metabasis Sententia Analogy Appositive Pleonasm Zeugma Over the course of the semester you’ll be asked to complete a number of rhetorical strategy entries. Any time you encounter a device from the above list, whether it is in your outside reading or it is in a text we are studying as a class, you can use that device for a glossary entry. You will eventually accumula


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