non- linear regression analysis-plantphys(非线性回归analysis-plantphys).docx

non- linear regression analysis-plantphys(非线性回归analysis-plantphys).docx

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non- linear regression analysis-plantphys(非线性回归analysis-plantphys)

Michaelis-Menten Regression AnalysisIn our project with polyphenoloxidase you have already plotted the results of the change in light absorbance (reported by the Vernier SpectroVis Plus sensort) of the reaction mixture against the time variable on the Vernier LabQuest Instrument software. You learned how to use its software to find the rate of reaction by linear regression reasonably fitting the initial slope of a line going through the first few data points. You are reminded that you had to select a point providing a line with the "best visual biological fit." Each of the reactions you conducted in a cuvette resulted in one such graph. The corresponding slope (m) of this best-fit line is the initial rate of reaction in that reaction mixture. The rate was collected in units of Absorbance (ODNNN) per second, where NNN is the wavelength you selected for measurement. Note: nanometers is not part of the Absorbance units!The reaction rates from each group of reactions you conducted can now be plotted against the range of substrate concentrations you tested. These plots are often named Michaelis-Menten plots in honor of the two female scientists who developed the underlying Michaelis-Menten function. We will create such a plot with our data and then use a regression analysis based on the Michaelis-Menten function to determine its two parameters, Km and Vmax, under our reaction conditions. This kind of regression analysis is obviously non-linear because it is using the Michaelis-Menten function as the model rather than a simple linear one.In the prerequisite cell structure and function course, you probably learned how to do the Lineweaver-Burk transformations of enzyme reaction data that could be analyzed by linear regression analysis. The Km and Vmax could then be determined from the intercepts of the best-fit line. We could have chosen this path for Plant Physiology too, but my goal is to show you new techniques. Moreover, the Michaelis-Menten regression analysis approac


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