英语 _10.doc

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英语 一、 教学目的及要求:   1. 能听懂会说本课会话:What’s that in English ?   2. 能较好地掌握本课句型What’s that ? It’s a desk .并能用Let’s practise .的词做替换练       习。   3. 能听说读写单词desk ,chair和句子What’s that in English ?   4. 学唱英文歌曲What’s that ? What’s this?   二、 教具准备:卡片,投影,录音机,磁带,头饰.   三、 教学重点:熟练运用句型What’s this ? What’s that?及答语It’s a /an ----.   四、 教学难点:this,that和It’s的发音,及this 和 that的不同的指代用法。   五、 教学过程:   I. 问候   1. 师生问候   T: Glad to meet you , again . / How are you ?   2. 介绍客人老师,并问候。  T: Please say “Glad to meet you” to the teachers .   3. 师生自由对话:How are you ? /What’s your name ?      II. 复习   1. 复习句型 :Is that a ---? What’s that ? 及有关交通工具的单词 boat , ship , bike , bus ,car, jeep , plane , taxi , yacht 。   T: Look , Mr / Miss Cat .What’s that ?  S1 :It’s a ship.   T: Can you spell the word “ship” ?   S1: Yes .S-H-I-P, ship.   T: Is that a ship , too ?        S1: No , it isn’t . It’s a boat.   T: Oh! It’s a boat . Can you spell it please? S1 :Yes. B-O-A-T, boat.         T: Is that a jeep , too ?         Ss: No, it isn’t . It’s a taxi.    T: Now , let’s chant . “What’s that ? What’s that ?” one , two start.   绕口令:What’s that ? What’s that ?What is that ?  It’s a taxi . It’s a taxi . It’s a red taxi .      T: What’s that ?            Ss: It’s a yacht .   T: Now , let’s chant . “What’s that ? What’s that ?” one , two start.   绕口令:What’s that ? What’s that ?What is that ?  It’s a yacht. It’s a yacht . It’s a white yacht.   III. 新授   1. 呈现句型What’s that in English ?   T: And what’s this in English ?      Ss: It’s a desk .   跟读单词desk:  T: Desk , desk , desk. D-E-S-K, desk..      T: And what’s this in English ?      Ss: It’s a chair.   跟读单词chair:   T: Chair ,chair , chair. C-H-A-I-R, chair.      T: Look, what’s that in English ?      Ss: It’s a door / clock .   T: And what’s that in English ?      Ss: It’s a picture .   2. 巩固操练句型What’s that in English ?   1) T: Let’s look at the picture .  What’s that in English ?  S



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