英语 _110.doc

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英语 Teaching time: Oct ,18 , 2001 Teaching class: Class 3 ,Grade 4 Teacher: Chen Ruyi Teaching topic: Unit 1 My friends Unit 1 My friend Ⅰ. Language focus: 1.Asking Wh-questions to find out a person’s identify. e.g. Who are you? 2.Using indefinite articles to mention something or someone for th first time. e.g. I’m a girl 3.Using adjective to describe people. e.g. I’m tall./He’s short. Ⅱ. Language skills 1. Speaking Using modelled phrases to open and maintain an interaction by providing in formation in response to factual question e.g.Who are you? I’m a girl .I’m short. 2.Listening Locate specific information in response to simple questions 3.Writing Add personal ideas and information to writing when a framework is provided Ⅲ.Materials: 1.Student’s Book 3A page 15 2.Cassette 3A and a cassette player 3.Picture Cards of fat , thin , big ,small , tall, short . Ⅳ. Teaching Procedure Step 1 Warm Up 1.Sing an English song: :The alphabet song 2.Greetings Hello!/ Hi!/Good morning!/How are you? etc. 3.Ask some pairs to make dialogue e.g. S1: Hello, I’m x x, What’s your name? S2: Hello, I’m x x S1:How are you? S2.I’m fine, thanks. How are you ? S1.I’m fine too, thanks. S2: Good bye! S1: Good bye! Step 2 Pr-task Preparation 1.Review:boy ,girl . 2.Introduce tall,short a. Show a photo and point to the photo. Ask: Who’s she? to elicit: She’s Miss Chen. T: Yes, it’s me. Who’s she? to elicit: She’s my friend. I have some friends b. T: Now look at the photo . I’m tall. She’s short. Students repeat tall . Draw a stick on Bb T: Is he tall? Ss: Yes T:Who can draw a short man here? T: Is he short? Ss: Yes. Students repeat short 3.Introduce fat, thin a. Draw a fat people and a thi



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