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2017届毕业设计方案 课题名称:《韶山9电力机车转向架检修与维护》 摘  要 转向架是机车高速运行时最关键的部件之一,它对机车的安全性、舒造性、可靠运行、延长寿命及减少对轨道的破坏均起着极其重要的作用。它承受车体传来的各同群动载何,传递牵引力、制动力,牵引机车在轨道上运行。因此转向架要求有足够的强度,小的轮轨作用力,较好的平稳性、稳定性和曲线通过性能,高的黏着利用率,可靠的牵引制动性能,并尽量满足标准化、简统化的要求。 SS9型电力机车为C0-C0轴式,C0转向架保留了传统的“目”字形构架,采用轮对空心轴六连杆驱动装置、一系、二系弹簧悬挂装置、牵引电机架承式全悬挂、新型TDYZ-4单元制动器、单边直齿刚性齿轮传动,使得转向架具有较高的黏着利用率和较好的动力学性能。牵引电机采用ZD115型6极串励脉流牵引电动机,在加速过程中可以发挥最大功率5400kW,持续运时功率留有较大的裕量,加速性能好。 关键词:C0-C0轴式 “目”字形构架 一系、二系弹簧悬挂装置 ABSTRACT The bogie is one of the high speed locomotive running at the most important part of it, the safety of the locomotive, comfortability, reliable operation, longer life and plays an extremely important role to reduce rail damage. It came with the body to bear the dynamic load transfer group, traction force, braking force, locomotive in orbit. Therefore traction bogie requires sufficient strength, small wheel rail force, better stability, stability and high performance through the curve, adhesion rate, traction and reliable braking performance, and meet the requirements of standardization and simplification. SS9electric locomotive bogie shaft type C0-C0, C0 retains the traditional 目 shape frame, wheel hollow shaft six connecting rod driving device, a system of two spring suspension device, traction motor frame supported full suspension, the new TDYZ-4 brake unit, single rigid straight tooth gear transmission, the bogie has a high adhesion rate and good dynamic performance. The traction motor adopts ZD115 type 6 series of pulsating current traction motor, can play a maximum power 5400kW during acceleration, continued to transport power left a larger margin, good acceleration performance. Key words: C0-C0shaft type 目 - shaped structure of a series, two series spring suspension device 目 录 第一章 SS9型客运电力机车转向架 1.1 SS9型客运电力机车结构特点 SS型客运电力机车有两台结构完全相同的转向架,转向架的主要结构特点是:采用轮对空心轴六连杆驱动装置,牵引电动机架悬在构架上,减小了转向架的簧下质量,降低轮轨冲击及振动,同时改善牵引电机的工作条件。 一系悬挂采用钢圆弹簧加油压减振器结构,二系悬挂采用高圆弹簧支承,配以横向、垂向油压减振器及抗蛇行油压减振器,转向架有较大的静挠度,以满足机车高速运行的要求。基础制动装


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