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检 验 报 告 Test Report 许继电气·装置公司 XJ Electic·Device Company 200 年(Year) 月(Month) 日(Day) 中华人民共和国 T People's Republic of China 许继集团·许继电气股份有限公司 XJ GROUP·XJ Electric Co., Ltd. 1.本检验报告适用于中高压配电网成套装置。 The test report is applied to the complete set of high and medium voltage distribution networks. 2. 相关制造标准文件 Relevant Manufacture Standard: 我公司所供设备遵循GB/T 3906-1991、GB311.1-1997、GB311.2~311.6-83、GB/T 11022-1999、及DL/T593-1993标准。 The equipments supplied by our company comply with standards: GB/T 3906-1991、GB311.1-1997、GB311.2~311.6-83, GB/T 11022-1999 and DL/T593-1993. 产品型号 of the product: 产品名称Name of the product: 中高压配电网成套装置 Complete set of high and medium voltage distribution networks 合 同 号 Contract No.: 屏 号 Panel No. : 检验记录单 Test Record 工程图纸审查 Inspection of project drawings 序号 NO. 检验项目 Item 技术要求 Technical Requirements 检验结果 Results 备注Remarks 1 设备配置及原理 The devices configuration and principles 满足技术协议要求 Should be in line with the agreements 2 配线图及原理图 The wiring diagram and the principle diagram 保持一致 The wiring diagram should be in line with the principle diagram 3 端子排图与原理图 The terminals arrangement and the principle diagram 保持一致 The terminals arrangement should be in line with the principle diagram 4 入库图纸及内容 The drawing to be delivered 保持完备、清洁 Should be complete in content and clean 5 各装置检验记录单 Test records of each device 完备 Should be complete 6 装箱单内容 Content of the packing list 与技术协议一致 Should be in line with the agreement 7 工程设计更改 Alteration of the project design 符合规范、标准 Should be in line with the standards and criteria 8 临时通知单内容 Content of the temporary notices 符合要求 Should be acceptable 结论 conclusion 外观检查 Visual Inspection 序号 NO. 检验项目 Item 技术要求 Technical Requirements 检验结果 Results 备注Remarks 1 柜体检查 Panel body 柜体结构、颜色应与设计图纸及技术协议一致,柜体表面应无明显划伤,颜色均匀一致,柜体、装置不应有掉漆和污垢现象 Structure, color and design of the panel body should be in consistence with the drawings and the agreements, and there should be no obvious


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