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The freedom of the fly 1. We can nowhere find a better type of a perfectly free creature than in the common house fly. Not free only, but brave. 我们无论在什么地方都找不到像普通家蝇那样一种绝对自由的生物了。苍蝇不仅自由放任,而且勇敢无畏。 踏遍天涯/踏破铁鞋 我们上哪儿都也找不出一种绝对自由的生灵,除了普通的家蝇;不单自由,还很勇敢。 The freedom of the fly There is no courtesy in him; he does not care whether it is king or clown whom he tastes; and in every step of his swift, mechanical march, and in every pause of his resolute observation, there is one and the same expression of perfect egotism, perfect independence and self confidence, and conviction of the worlds having been made for flies. 他全然不讲什么谦恭礼让,不管是高贵的国王,还是贫贱的村妇,它都毫不在意,照样去吸吮;在它敏捷而机械式地前进的每一步,或在它果断观察的每一间歇,总是露出一副自命不凡、不求与人、设分自信的申请,俨然认为世界是为苍蝇而创造的。 The freedom of the fly There is no courtesy in him; he does not care whether it is king or clown whom he tastes; and in every step of his swift, mechanical march, and in every pause of his resolute observation, there is one and the same expression of perfect egotism, perfect independence and self confidence, and conviction of the worlds having been made for flies. 他全然不讲谦恭礼让,根本不在乎自己舔尝的是国王还是小丑。在他敏捷而机械前行的每一步,在他停下来果断观察的每个间歇,始终都流露出同样的神情:绝对的自我,绝对的独立,绝对的自信,坚信世界是为苍蝇而打造的。 The freedom of the fly Strike at him with your hand; and to him, the aspect of the matter is, what to you it would be, if an acre of red clay, ten feet thick, tore itself up from the ground and came crashing down with an aim. 如果你用手去拍打它,其情形好像一块一英亩大十英尺厚的红色黏土拔地而起,突然劈头盖脑的照直朝你猛砸下来。 The freedom of the fly Water is to fish what air is to man. The aspect of the matter is to him what it would be to you if an acre of red clay, ten feet thick, tore itself up from the ground and came crashing down with an aim. 用巴掌拍他吧,这对他就如同一块一英亩大十英尺厚的红色黏土拔地而起、径直砸向某物对你的感受。 The freedom of the fly He steps out of the way of your hand. And alights on the back of it. You cannot terrify him, nor govern him, nor persuade him, nor convince him. 可是,苍蝇去振翅一飞,逃脱了你的一掌之击,接着又轻落在你的手背之上。你吓不倒它,制服不了它;既不能动之以情,又不能晓之以理。 他从你的手下逃出!复又落在手背上!他啊,你是