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Unit 04-1

* * Unit 4 Operating System Contents Part 1 Reading and Translating Section A: Mobile versus Desktop Operating Systems Section B: Linus Torvalds and the Software Nobody Knows Part 2 Simulated Writing: Meeting Minutes会议纪录 Part 3 Listening and Speaking Dialogue: Choosing a Linux Distribution and Free Trials for Free Software Listening Comprehension: Open Source Software Dictation: Apple Mac OS 林纳斯?托瓦兹(Linus Torvalds) Words on Page 51 cobble together 胡乱拼凑, 匆匆制作 tinker with胡乱地修补, 鼓捣 conjunction cellular“蜂窝”无线局域网 NFC: Near Field Communication近场通信 Next Slide Voice Recorders录音机 Section A: Mobile versus Desktop Operating System Section A: Mobile versus Desktop Operating System Notes [1] 近场通信(Near Field Communication, NFC)是一种短距高频的无线电技术,以13.56MHz频率运行于20厘米距离内。其传输速度有106 Kbit/秒、212 Kbit/秒或者424 Kbit/秒三种。目前近场通信已通过成为ISO/IEC IS 18092国际标准、ECMA-340标准与ETSI TS 102 190标准。NFC采用主动和被动两种读取模式。NFC近场通信技术是由非接触式射频识别(RFID)及互联互通技术整合演变而来,在单一芯片上结合感应式读卡器、感应式卡片和点对点的功能,能在短距离内与兼容设备进行识别和数据交换。 Section A: Mobile versus Desktop Operating System Exercises I. Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. ___1.It is not so important to choose an operating system when you buy a computer or mobile device. ___2.Desktop operating systems are more relevant than mobile operating systems to productivity and multitasking. ___3.In general a mobile operating system has many programs running at a time. ___4.A mobile operating system resides on a hard disk. ___5.Sometimes we call desktop operating system server operating system. Section A: Mobile versus Desktop Operating System II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1.Which of the following does the desktop operating system include? A.Wi-Fi B.Bluetooth C.Cellular D.None of the above 2.Which of the following technology does the mobile operating system use? A.NFC B.Bluetooth C.GPS D.All of the above 3.Which of the following role does an operating system have? A.It manages ope


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