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Lesson 3 一.数量的表示 科技文献中经常有大量数词出现。数词用以表示事物的数量或数目,其含义十分严格,理解或翻译时的疏忽和差错可能会引起严重后果。英语与汉语在数量表达上差别较大,所以对待数词或数量的表达要特别细心和仔细。 1.数字的表示 科技文章中,数字频繁出现,用阿拉伯数字比用单词陈述更有利。但出现下述情形时须遵循约定俗成的规则 用单词表示不定数量或近似值; 句首不用阿拉伯数字,一般用英语单词,句末要尽量避免用阿拉伯数字 [例句] Eighty-seven percent of the earth’s crust is made of silicon compounds. [译文] 地球上的地壳87%是由硅化合物构成的。 但句首为纯数字(后不跟名词)时,常用阿拉伯数字。例如:200 decreased by 100 is 100. 1.数字的表示 两数连用时,分别用单词和阿拉伯数字表示,习惯上将短的用单词写出; 遇到分数,可用带连字符号的单词表示,如: [例句] Nitrogen forms about four-fifths of the atmosphere. [译文] 氮约占大气的五分之四。 2. 不确定数字的表示 大约、左右,常用about/some/approximately /somewhat/of the order of/more or less/ or so等词 [例句] The result indicated that actual error probabilities were of the order of 1 percent. [译文]结果表明实际误差概率约为1%。 多于,常用over, above, more than, in excess of 等词 。 [例句] In the UK, recent figures (January 1994) indicate that in excess of 1.5 million people work either directly from home or away form the office for more than two days a week. . [译文]在英国,最近的数据表明,超过一百五十万人每周有超过两天或者在家里工作,或者在办公室以外的地方工作。 2. 不确定数字的表示 少于,常用less than, under, below, close to等词 。 以复数形式表示,如tens/dozens/scores/hundreds /thousands of, thousands upon thousands of 。 [例句] The microwave communication channel has a very large bandwidth and will accommodate thousands of telephone conversations or dozens of television channels at once. [译文] 微波通信信道有很大的带宽,可同时容纳几千个电话通话或几十个电视信道。 某些表示数量的词和词组 3.习惯短语 数量级 order of magnitude [例句] Economies associated with computer-on-a-chip have resulted in the availability of microcomputer systems with the functionality and performance of minicomputer systems costing two orders of magnitude more only a decade ago. [译文]随着经济及片上计算机的发展,现在的微机系统与仅仅十年前的小型机的功能与性能可媲美,而价格却减少了两个数量级 。 within a factor of ten [例句] These figures show that the improvement of input impedance is within a factor of ten. [译文]这些图形表明,输入阻抗的改进值为一个数量级 。 3.习惯短语 比率 the ratio of…to [例句] The resistance of a given sectio


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