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普 通 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题目:江西省教育—经济投入产出分析 学 院 经 济 学 院 学生姓名 胡玉芳 学 号 0112084 专 业 国民经济管理 届 别 2015 届 指导教师 杨 飞 虎 职 称 教 授 二○一五年五月 普通本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书 毕业论文(设计)题目 江西省教育—经济投入产出分析 学生姓名 胡玉芳 专 业 国民经济管理 学 号 0112084 指导老师 杨飞虎 职 称 教授 所在学院 经济学院 诚信承诺 本人慎重承诺和声明: 我承诺在毕业论文(设计)活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,在本人的毕业论文中未剽窃他人的学术观点、思想和果 摘要 人力资本理论 Abstract Economic growth, industrial structure upgrading, technological innovation and regional economic transformation etc. are important issues of the Thirteen five planning in Jiangxi province, and human capital is necessary to achieve these economic development goals. Based on the human capital theory, according to the flow of students and the cost of expenditure respectively, simplified student flow input-output table of Jiangxi province and the economy-education input-output table on the basis of industrial classification are formed with input-output techniques in this paper. The two tables aim at reflecting the production and distribution of education departments, the relationship among education departments, three major industry and economic growth. Furthermore, demand of education from economic growth and industrial structure upgrading will be analyzed. The result shows that when added value of education departments increase by 1%,GDP increases by 0.02% in 2007 while by 0.05% in 2014,which shows the fact that human capital is playing a more and more important role in promoting economic growth, according to the economy-education input-output table based on industrial classification of Jiangxi province. And increase of added value of education departments makes GDP rise to 15792.40 billion yuan in 2015. In addition, it’s predicted that the public financial budget expenditures in education should rise to 811.25 billion yuan to enhance industrial structure upgrading. So it’s necessary to increase investment in public financial budget expenditures in educati


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