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中国上市银行竞争力分析 摘 要 竞争力是上市银行发展的核心问题,也是我国商业银行在银行业全面开放背景下面临的主要挑战之一。本文以我国全国性上市银行为例,采用2007年各行年报数据,以盈利性、流动性、安全性和潜在竞争力为指标,根据其对竞争力的贡献程度赋以一定的权重,综合分析竞争力状况,得出排名。潜在竞争力主要包括金融创新能力和人力资源。本文通过中间业务占比及信用卡市场占有率进行定量分析,同时结合各银行特色业务综合分析其金融创新能力。人力资源则是先通过员工学历结构定量分析人力资源状况,再结合各行的培训机制、激励机制综合分析。最后比较分析中外商业银行的竞争力,找出我国商业银行竞争力差距,从提高资本充足率、资产质量和进行金融创新等方面提出提我国银行竞争力的策略。 关键词:上市银行;竞争力;分析 Analysis on the competitiveness of commercial banks listed Abstract The competitiveness is the core question of Stock-listed Commercial bank development, is also our country Commercial bank one main challenges under the banking industry opening background. Take our country nationwide Commercial bank as the example, using 2007 data of annual report, take the profitability、liquidity、security and potential competition ability as the indicators, according to their contribution to the competitiveness of a certain extent given the weight, Comprehensive analysis competitive. The potential competitiveness including financial innovation and human resources. By the middle service and credit card business accounted for quantitative analysis of market share, combined with characteristics of the banking business comprehensive analysis of its financial ability to innovate. Human resources is the structure of academic staff through the first quantitative analysis of the situation of human resources, combined with the line of training mechanism, incentive mechanism comprehensive analysis. Finally comparative analysis Chinese and foreign commercial banks competitiveness, Chinese commercial banks can realize the competitiveness of the gap, from raising the capital adequacy ratio, asset quality and financial innovation to propose enhanced our country Commercial bank competitive power the strategy. Key words: Stock-listed commercial bank; competitiveness; analysis 目 录 毕业论文原创性声明和毕业论文版权授权书 I 摘 要 II Abstract III 插图索引 VI 附表索引 VII 一、绪论 1 (一)选题背景及意义 1 (二)文献综述 1 1.国际主要研究成果 1 2.国内主要研究成果 2 (三)研究的基本思路及研究方法 3 1.研究的基本思路 3 2.研究方法 3 二、商业银行



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