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What’s this? Oh! It’s a sheep! What’s that? Oh! It’s a ship! A sheep is not a ship! A ship is not a sheep! / e / bed / ? / cat Example 3 案例三 :广东韶关陈文英、邓彩芬老师提供 What’s this? It’s a bed. What’s on the bed? Oh! My god! It’s a cat! A cat is on the bed! / 3: / / ? / a bird the worker The worker has a bird. the worker /a:/ father Father is not fa de(拼音); 爸爸 is not /ba: ba:/ /∧/ mother Father and mother, mother and father, they give me a hug(拥抱)! / ?: / door / D / dog Look! It’s a door. What’s behind the door? Oh, it’s a dog. A dog is behind the door. cool look Oh, you look so cool! / / /u:/ / I/ name I my e / I/ a What’s your name? My name is Mike. What’s your name? I am Kate. boy goal (得分,进球,射门) ? / i/ /3:/ girl A goal and a girl. /? / The girl is kicking a goal. The boy is looking at the girl. We kick a goal but can’t kick a girl. /a / out here there sure Let’s say it out: Here and there, we are the best! Are you sure? Yes! Here and there, we are the best! /i / ? /e / ? / ?/ Connect phonetic teaching with practice of words, phrases,sentences, texts, etc English alphabet 英语字母 Sounds 音素 Words 词 Phrases 短语 Sentences 句子 Texts 话语、篇章、课文 Stories/ Novels 故事、小说 Letters Diaries Messages Practical Writing 应用文 Computer-aided teaching of pronunciation Pronunciation power by English Computerized Learning Inc., Blackstone Multimedia Corporation (animations showing how sounds are produced; sound discrimination) Compare the user’s waveform with the sample Example 4 案例四 浙江省特级教师张学雅老师单元拼音练习(见附件) Example 5 案例五 课堂教学录像(北大附小李瑜老师) Example 5 (video) Ar makes /ɑ?/ sound. Er, ir, or, ur make /??/ or /?/ sound. Today is Turtle’s birthday. She is wearing a skirt. Here comes her friend bird. Happy birthday to you, Turtle! Reference 参考资料 G. Poedjosoedarmo, 中小学英语教师发展丛书,语音教学入门,人民教育出版社,2007年10月 课程教材研究所:新中国中小学教材建设史1949-2000研究丛书英语卷,人教社,2010年10月 教语音—教外国学生说英语的参考书,中国人民大学出版社,2002年6月 Reference 参考资料 曲明文主编:英语语音进阶,上海交通大学出版社,1999年9月 葆青, 实用英语语音, 高等教育出版社,1988 唐锡


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