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改进氧气湿化瓶消毒方法的临床效果观察 黄晓岭 郑玉婷 方伟 张晓香 (哈尔滨医科大学第四临床医院感染监控科 黑龙江 哈尔滨150001) 摘要: 目的 观察改进的氧气湿化瓶消毒方法和持续使用时间的临床效果。方法 分两阶段进行消毒监测。第一阶段分2组,观察组使用无菌蒸馏水为湿化液,并使用改进的消毒措施,对照组使用冷开水为湿化液,并采用传统消毒方法。对两组第3天的监测结果进行对比分析和统计学处理。第二阶段对50份持续吸氧的湿化液每天做细菌监测,对1~7天的结果进行对比分析。结果 第一阶段观察组湿化瓶持续使用3天后的湿化液细菌监测合格率较对照组高,有显著性差异(P<0.05) ;第二阶段持续吸氧后湿化液第7天与第1天的细菌数比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 改进吸氧装置的消毒方法,定时更换消毒湿化瓶,能有效减少吸氧患者感染的机会。氧气湿化瓶持续使用的第7天必须更换消毒,以有效控制细菌生长,控制院内感染发生。 关键词:氧气湿化瓶;细菌监测;湿化液;消毒方法;效果观察 Clinic observation of improvement to the disinfection method for oxygen moisture bottle 【Abstract】 Objective To study the best and most effective method for disinfection of oxygen moisture bottles. Methods In the first stage: one hundred and nine oxygen moisture bottles were divided into control and treated groups. The bottles in both groups were immersed in 0.1% dosomfectpr for 30minutes, then the bottles in control group were rinsed with sterile distilled water and dried for use ; the treated group dried with 95 % alcohol for use. Samples in both groups were taken on the third days of disinfection. And the moisture fluid used in treated group was sterile distilled water while of the control group was cool oil water. In the second stage, the contamination rate were tested from 1st day to 7th day in treated group. Results  The contamination rate increased with the length of preservation time , the treated group was lower than the control group, after the bottles had been preserved for seven days , the contamination rate was 0% and 33.3 % respectively , there was significant difference between them. Conclusion Oxygen moisture bottles treated by routine disinfection and dry with 95 % alcohol will improve the disinfection effect and be preserved for a extended time. And the moisture fluid should be changed everyday and moisture bottle should be changed 6 days after use. [ Keywords]   oxygen moisture bottle ; disinfection ; infection control; clinic observation 吸氧是临床常用的护理技术及抢救治疗手段。氧气湿化瓶是湿润氧气的装置,氧气经湿 化瓶内的液体湿润,通过鼻导管送至患者肺


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