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英语专业四级语法重点、难点:定语从句 1.Above the trees are the hills, ________ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the su**ce.? (2003) A. where??????????????????????????????????? B. of whose????????????????????????????? C. whose?????????????????????????? D. which (C,关系代词在从句中做定语。“树的上面是山,它的倒影忠实地映照在河面上。”) 2.Only take such clothes _______ really necessary.?? (1994) A. as were??????????????????????????? B. as they are????????????????????????????? C. as they were??????? D. as are (D,as引导定语从句,先行词是clothes,as在从句中作主语,所以BC不对,因为they是多余的;A的时态与主句不搭配。) 3.______ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals.??? (1994) A. That??????????????????????????????????? B. It????????????????????????????????????????????? C. This?????????????????????????? D. As (D,as作关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,表达整个主句的意思。“正如一种新的观念产生时一样,人们总是做许多准备活动和积极的讨论,却拿不出具体的建议。”) 4.This company has now introduced a policy _____ pay rises are related to performance at work.??(1996) A. which??????????????????????????????????? B. where????????????????????????????????????? C. whether?????????????????? D. what (B,“公司现在提出了一项新政策,依照新政策,工资增长与工作业绩挂钩。”) 5. The Physicist has made a discovery, _______ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.(1997) A. I think which is???????????????? B. that I think is???????????????????? C. which I think is???????? D. which I think it is (C,I think是插入语,which在从句中就是主语,D中it是多余的。) 6.I have never been to London, but that is the city ______. (1997) A. where I like to visit most??????????????????????????????????????????? B. I’d most like to visit C. which I like to visit mostly?????????????????????????????????????????? D. where I’d like most to visit (B, 首先排除A,因为the city在从句中作宾语,不能用where引导;C中mostly表示“通常,大部分”,意思不通顺;表示“最想”,用most like,不是like most, most是much的最高级,much一般不修饰不定式,多用于修饰分词。He was much pleased.) 7.She remembered several occasions in the past ___ she had experienced a similar feeling. (1998) A. which??????????????????????????????????


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