国际商务信函写作(英文版)Unit 15 Memorandums.pptx

国际商务信函写作(英文版)Unit 15 Memorandums.pptx

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Unit 15 Memorandums (备忘录) What Are Memos? How Is a Memo Laid Out? How to write a Memo? Back Back 备忘录(memorandum or memo for short)大致可分两类: 第一类属于正式公文,常作为外交函件或商业合同的补充条款或事项,具有一定法律约束性,因此文体正规,措词严谨。 第二类备忘录是一种非正式的商务文件、便条,多用于公司或机关内部,是以书面形式来交流内部事务的一种简便函件。它可以用来解释政策、程序和指示;发布通知,提出信息和行动要求;答复要求。也可以用来提醒事务或对决定、电话交谈、会议提供书面记录。由于这类备忘录流通于一定单位内部,因此大多格式简明、语言通俗。 本单元主要介绍的是第二类备忘录即商务备忘录(office memos)。 Back 1.图示 Back 2.详解 备忘录的格式一般较为固定,通常分为开头(the heading)和正文(the body)两部分。开头包括To:(送交目标,即接受人the recipient), From:(发出者the sender),Subject:(主题)和Date:(日期)四项。顺序通常如上所示,但date项的位置比较灵活,可以按书信格式置于正文右上方,也可以置于Subject项之前或之后。备忘录正文一般不超过一页,可以是一段或几段。正文后面往往没有签名,但个别的也有签名。 Back 有些大公司或机构会备有打印好的备忘录纸笺。纸笺上端通常印有公司或机构名称和Memo字样,并印有开头部分:To, From, Date和Subject,在每次写备忘录时只需填入具体内容即可。打印或书写备忘录时,通常有两种格式:每一行顶左边齐或每段首行缩进。 Back 1. to clarify your purpose and audience 2. to fill in the heading part 3. to compose the body part 4. to proofread the memo Back To make clear the purpose and the audience is the first step of writing of any style. For memo writing, it means you should first figure out why it has to be written and who is going to read it so that you can employ the most proper way to convey the information. 1.to clarify your purpose and audience Back After clarifying the purpose and the audience, now you can easily fill in the items in the heading part. When writing this part, please make sure that the subject is brief but to the point, that is to say, it must tell the 2. to fill in the heading part Back reader clearly and exactly what the memo is about in as few words as possible. A good subject will help the reader quickly grasp the essence of the memo. Back Whether a memo is successfully written or not depends mostly on how its body part is structured. When composing the body part, you should begin by identifying the 3. to compose the body part Back key information that you think your audience should get. State them in the logical order. If the information



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