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《旅游客源国与目的地概况》 课程论文 巴西入境旅游概述与分析 学 号: 姓 名: 班 级: 酒店管理1301 指导教师: 二○一六年六月 摘 要 巴西位于南美洲,有丰富的旅游资源,其旅游业发达,有80余年的历史,为世界十大旅游创汇国之一。旅游业作为一个关联度很高的行业,它不仅可以为工业、农业、建筑业等提供巨大的市场,而且还可以带动和促进金融保险业、交通运输业、邮电通信业、文化娱乐业以及对外贸易等行业的发展,甚至可以衍生出一些新的产业。旅游业是为游客提供“食、住、行、游、购、娱”综合性消费的劳动密集型服务行业,是第三产业的重要组成部分。 旅游活动按照地理范围划分为国际旅游和国内旅游,而国际旅游分成入境旅游和出境旅游,其中入境旅游对国内经济的增长能带来巨大的推动作用,入境旅游作为旅游业的重要组成部分,其发展状况是衡量一个国家或地区旅游实力的重要标志,也是旅游目的地国家赚取外汇和解决就业的主要途径之一,研究一国的入境旅游市场对于制定本国的旅游发展政策有着重要意义。本文从巴西的旅游部门经济、组织和体制结构、产品结构、客源市场、主要政策措施等五个方面,对巴西旅游业进行了探索和研究ABSTRACT Brazil is located in South America, is rich in tourism resources, the tourism industry developed, with 80 years of history, is one of the worlds top ten tourism earned the country. Tourism as an associated high degree of industry, it can not only provide a huge market for the industry, agriculture, construction, etc., but also can stimulate and promote the financial and insurance industry, transport, post and telecommunications industry, culture, entertainment and external development of trade and other industries, and even spawned new industries. Tourism is to provide food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment for tourists comprehensive labor-intensive consumer services industry, is an important part of the tertiary industry. Tourism activities by geographic range is divided into international and domestic tourism, and tourism into international inbound tourism and outbound tourism, including inbound tourism domestic economic growth can bring huge boost inbound tourism as an important part of the tourism industry, it development is a measure of the strength of a country or region tourism an important symbol, but also a tourist destination country to earn foreign exchange and one of the main ways to solve employment, research a countrys inbound tourism market for the development of national tourism development policy has an important significance. From the Brazilian tourism sector of the economy, organizational and ins


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