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文化价值观差异对语言风格的影响-以中美两国对比为例摘要随着经济全球化的发展,中美两国之间的联系日益密切。由于历史背景,地域,政治文化的不同,两国之间的价值观取向也有所差异。文化价值观的不同,也产生了具有本国特色的语言风格。本文主要从价值观的角度分析其对中美两国语言风格的影响。中美两国的价值观核心以美国的个人主义与中国的集体主义为主,分析在这种价值观差异影响下产生的直接式与间接式语言风格。本研究主要采用了参考文献法,举例法,引用法和归纳总结法。由于前人对该课题的研究尚未全面,因此本研究仍然有一定的现实意义:在国际交往日益频繁的当代社会,深入了解中西方国家的文化差异是非常必要的。在此背景下,本研究有助于全面并深入地了解中美文化差异,期望可以帮助人们更好地加深中美两国的交流与合作。关键词:价值观,个人主义,集体主义,直接式语言风格,间接式语言风格The Influence of the Differences in Cultural Values on Language Styles--A Contrast between the Chinese and the AmericanAbstractWith the development of economic globalization, the contact between China and the United States is increasingly close. Due to the historical background, geographical, political and cultural differences, the values of the two countries are also different. And different values also produced its own language style.This research mainly analyzes the impact of the different values for Chinese and American language style. The core values of the two country is individualism of the United States and collectivism of China. In this different values impact, analyzing American direct language style and Chinese indirect language style.In the process of writing this thesis, the concrete methods the author adopted include collecting materials from reference books, surfing on the internet to find helpful materials. Research method include using contrast, examples and analysis to support my thesis and inductive and summary method.Because of the previous research on this topic is not yet comprehensive, so this research still has certain practical significance. In contemporary society, the international communication is becoming more and more closely, it is necessary to understand the cultural differences between Chinese and Western countries. In this context, this study will help to understand the cultural differences between China and the United States comprehensively and deeply, and the author hopes it can help us to deepen the exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States.K


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