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学号: 常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2012届) 题 目 学 生 学 院 专业班级 校内指导教师 专业技术职务 校外指导老师 专业技术职务 二○ 基于单片机的多变量检测装置的研究与设计 摘 要:现如今,在工业检测领域的流量检测这块,将介质的温度和管道压力纳入检测范围,并把前两者波动对流量检测产生的影响通过特定的算法来进行补偿已经成了一个基本环节。 本文以V型流量计的工业应用为背景,针对受温度、压力影响最大的蒸汽介质研究了基于单片机的多变量变送器的流量补偿装置。主要包括前端温度、压力信号采集电路、核心控制电路及显示模块。其中主控制器采用MSP430芯片,完成对采集信号的处理和外围芯片的控制;温度传感器采用DS18B20芯片,完成对环境温度的采集并以数字量输出;压力传感器采用日本松下的D3B集成电路压力采集模块,完成对环境压力的采集并以电压值输出;显示模块采用LCD1602液晶,完成待查看数据的显示。 经测试,该系统能完整实现对温度和压力的检测和显示,为以后流量补偿装置的具体实现打下良好的基础。 关键词:单片机;多变量检测;流量补偿 Research and design of multivariable detecting device that based on microcontroller Abstract: Nowadays, in the field of industrial inspection and to be a little more precise, in the process of flow amount detection, it is the most basic one to take the medium temperature and pipeline pressure into account. This paper is on the background of industrial applications of the V-type flowmeter, in allusion to steam media which could be easily affected by temperature and pressure. Hence the multi-variable transmitter that based on single chip is researched. The front-end temperature and pressure signal acquisition circuit, the core control circuit and the display module is included in this design. Among this, the MSP430 chip is adopted as the main controller to complete the process of signal colleting and the control of peripheral chips; the DS18B20 is adopted as the temperature sensor to collect environmental temperature and to output the digital quantity; The D3B IC pressure acquisition from JAPAN is adopted to collect environmental pressure and to output the voltage values; the LCD1602 module is adopted to complete data display. After testing, the system can complete implement


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