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中高考当前,调整心态10技巧 摘要: 随着中考、高考的时间一步步逼近,浓浓 的紧张气氛弥漫在许多考生家里,不少家长甚至比孩子还紧张,但光紧张是帮不上忙的。在这个阶段,家长到底应该做些什么呢?其实临到考前,绝大多数的孩子在 知识上的储备已经没有多大问题,家长更应该关注一下他们的心理。让孩子调整好心态上考场,无疑是如虎添翼;若心态有波动则很可能影响正常发挥。希望考前调 整心态的10种技巧能帮到各位考生和家长。 ??? 一、强化自信   鼓励孩子:不管你现在是成绩拔尖,还是跟别人有一定 差距,千万别忘了每天都带着信心起床。不论个人情况怎样,每人都有自己的优势和不足。有的同学基础扎实根底深,不论考题如何变,都能游刃有余;有的同学思 维灵活敏捷,有一定的创新思维,理解能力强,对考创新的活题尤为适应;有的同学阅读面广,视野开拓,心理素质好,抗挫能力强,善于超水平发挥。不管怎样,在高考前夕,对于自己的缺点和不足不要过多自我责备,要多看、多想、多忆自己的长处和潜力,激发自信心。   每一个有杰出成就的人,在其生活和事业的旅途中,无不以坚强的自信为先导。希尔顿是世界酒店大王,现在他的酒店分支机构遍布世界各地,但他起家时仅有200美金。是什么使他获得成功呢?希尔顿回答说:只有两个字,那就是“自信”。   可见,信心孕育着成功,信心能使人创造奇迹。拿破仑说:“在我的学典里没有不可能这一字眼。”正是这种自信激发了他无比的智慧与潜能,成就他横扫欧洲的霸业。 如果说,在现实中仅凭自信不一定能让人成功,那么丢失信心就一定会导致失败。很多成绩优秀的同学在高考中失利,他们不是输在知识能力上,而是败在信心上。 Encourage the child: no matter whether you are top-notch performance, there is still a certain gap with others, dont forget to get up every day with a confidence. No matter how personal situation, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Some students based on solid foundation deep, no matter how can do a job with skill and ease the questions,; some students thinking agile, has certain innovative thinking, understanding ability, particularly is suitable to test innovative topic; some students read a wide range, horizon, good psychological quality, anti-frustration ability is strong, be good at the level of play. However, on the eve of college entrance examination, for the shortcomings and deficiencies do not own too much blame themselves, to see and think, many have their own strengths and potential, inspires confidence. Every one of the outstanding achievements of people, in their life and career journey, all with a strong self-confidence as the guide. Hilton is the worlds Hotel magnate, now his hotel branches all over the world, but he started with only $200. What makes him succeed? Hilton said: only two words, that is confident. Visible, confidence breeds success, confidence makes people create miracles. Napoleon said: this word is not impossible in my dictionary.



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