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摘 要 本设计的目的是根据66盐厂厂区车间布局、结构和功能,进行消防系统方案的确定、探测回路、消防联动控制以及消防电话和消防广播等内容的设计。 培养学生综合运用所学各科知识,独立分析和解决实际工业建筑消防工程问题的能力、查询资料的能力。熟悉相关规程和规范,树立工程的观点。为今后从事建筑电气方面的工作打下良好基础。 在设计中加强对消防联动基础知识的学习,扩大学生的知识面,为后续的设计做好铺垫。根据任务书的要求多查阅资料,并利用网络资源,仔细研究合理的应用方案,指出设计方案创新之处与存在问题。严格按设计说明书、图纸、图表等标准来撰写,仔细的完成剩余的设计任务。 本设计完成了系统总体方案(包括火灾自动报警系统和联动控制系统)的设计、探测器的选择及探测回路设计、消防电话和广播系统设计、消防联动控制部分设计及相应的系统图、布置图、控制原理图的绘制。 关键词:消防设计,火灾自动报警系统,联动控制系统 Abstract This is designed according to 66 YanChang factory workshop layout, structure and function and conduct fire control system scheme determination, the detection circuit, fire control and fire control telephone and linkage content such as design of fire radio. Cultivate students' comprehensive learned various branches knowledge, independent analysis and solve practical industrial building fire engineering problem ability, the ability to find information. Familiar with related regulations and standards, set up engineering point of view. For future work in the field of architectural electrical and lay the good foundation. In the design of basic knowledge of fire linkage to strengthen the learning, enlarge students' knowledge, the design for the subsequent blackboard. According to the demands of commitments to access information, and using the network resources, carefully study the reasonable application solutions, and points out that the design scheme of the innovation of the place and the existing problems. Strictly in accordance with the design specifications, drawings, chart to write such standards, the completion of the remaining carefully design task. This design completed system design(fire alarm system and fire control fire control system linkage), overall scheme selection and detection circuit detectors and fire phones and radio design system design, fire linkage control section design and the corresponding system graph, layout, control principle chart drawing. Keywords: design of automatic,fire alarm system,fire control system linkage 目 录 引言


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