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摘 要 在广泛应用的各种液压设备中,液压泵是关键性的元件,它们的性能和寿命在很大程度上决定着整个液压系统的工作能力,随着时代的发展和技术的进步,液压泵性能越来越完善,在各种工业设备、行走机构以及船舶和飞机上都得到了广泛应用。因此对于叶片泵相关知识的学习和认识十分必要,特别是对于从事液压相关方面工作的人更显得尤为重要。 本设计根据现已广泛应用的叶片泵为基础,对定量叶片泵即双作用叶片泵进行设计。在设计过程中采纳了一些有关叶片泵的新技术和新观点,并用于叶片泵的设计考虑,设计中对双作用叶片泵的叶片倾角进行了探讨,并对比两种观点的优劣,选择了现今已越来越得到更多人承认的叶片倾角为零的一种观点。在定子过渡曲线的设计上也没有拘泥于传统的等加速曲线或阿基米德螺旋线等定子曲线选择,而是结合现今数控机床普及的事实大胆选用高次曲线作为定子过渡曲线的设计基础。 设计中还主要参考了YB型系列的叶片泵相关产品结构和技术参数,在相关类型的叶片泵基础上对叶片泵的定子过渡曲线和叶片前倾角等结构进行了重新设计,使叶片泵的部分或整体性能有所改善。 关键词:双作用叶片泵,叶片倾角,定子过渡曲线 ABSTRACT Widely used in various hydraulic pump is the key equipment, components, their performance and life in largely determines the hydraulic system, the ability to work with the development of The Times and the technological progress, more perfect, pump performance in various industrial equipment, walks the organization and the ship and aircraft have been widely applied. Therefore vane pump for knowledge and necessary, especially for the work in hydraulic related more appear particularly important. This design has been widely applied to the vane pump, based on quantitative vane pump is double vane pump function design. In the design process of vane pump adopt some new technology and new ideas, and used in the design of vane pump, design of double vane pump function of blade Angle is discussed, and the comparison of two kinds of views, choose now has more and more people admit blade Angle of view a zero. In the design of the stator transition curve is not constrained the acceleration curve or Archimedes spiral such as choice, but the stator curve with universal fact CNC nowadays choose high curve as bold design of stator transition curve. In the design of main type series of YB vane pump related products structure and technical parameters, the type of vane pump basis of the stator vane pump transition curve and blade Angle structures such as before, the design of vane pump part or whole performance improved. Keywords: Double vane pump function ,Blade Angle ,The stator trans


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