unit 1 Getting along with others Welcome to the unit课件(牛津译林版模块5).ppt

unit 1 Getting along with others Welcome to the unit课件(牛津译林版模块5).ppt

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unit 1 Getting along with others Welcome to the unit课件(牛津译林版模块5).ppt

e His suggestion is worth nothing. 他的建议没有任何价值。 Our house is worth about $60,000. 我们的房子值60,000 美元。 The film is worth seeing twice. 这部电影值得再看一遍。 * Unit 1 Getting along with others Welcome to the unit Forever friends I want to find the answer to the question—what is friendship? When it rains, I think friendship is a small u_______. It can give me a piece of clear sky. When I am crying, I think friendship is a white h_________. It can wipe my tears dry. Poem appreciation : What is friendship? mbrella ankerchief When I am sad, I think friendship is a w____ word. It can bring me happiness again. When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a s______ hand. It can help me escape my troubles. arm trong When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling. It can not be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart. It is there from the b__________ to the e___ of our lives. eginning nd Almost everyone wants to make friends and develop friendships with others. Look at the following pictures and read the saying under each one. Picture talking Friends are t_________ of time. It means that when s________ with a good friend, we feel happy and r______ and almost forget the e________ of time. hieves taying elaxed xistence The best m_____ is an old friend. It means that an old friend k_____ you very well. He/She can help point out your a___________ and d_____________. irror nows dvantages isadvantages If you can buy a person’s friendship, it is not w______ having. It means that true friendship is p_________. It is i___________ for a person to buy it with money. It is b______ on t______, respect, shared feelings and so on. orth riceless mpossible ased rust True friends have hearts that b_____ as one. It means true friends are willing to share their h_________ and s________ with each other. eat appiness orrow ☆ A friend is a second self. ☆ A faithful friend is hard to find. ☆ A friend i



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