Unit 1 Lifestyles lesson 1 grammar 课件(北师大版必修1).ppt

Unit 1 Lifestyles lesson 1 grammar 课件(北师大版必修1).ppt

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Unit 1 Lifestyles lesson 1 grammar 课件(北师大版必修1).ppt

Review Present Simple 语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律。 Sentences from this unit: For lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk. 2. I like the main news at six o’clock. 3. I do some exercise every day. 4. In the evenings, I often watch TV series. 5. I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock goes off. 6. She always makes my meals. 7. My family complains about it. to test your sense of observation to test your ability of short-term memory to test your ability to highlight the language points For lunch, I _____ (have) biscuits and a glass of milk. 2. I ____ (like) the main news at six o’clock. 3. I ___ (do) some exercise every day. 4. In the evenings, I often _____ (watch) TV series. 5. I normally ________(wake up) about five minutes before my alarm clock ______ (go off). 6. She always _______(make) my meals. 7. My family ________(complain) about it. Fill in the blanks with the proper verb forms. have like do watch wake up goes off makes complains 用下列单词的适当形式填空。 1.We often _____ (play) in the playground. 2.He ______(get) up at six o’clock. 3.____ you ______(brush) your teeth every morning? 4.What______ (do) he usually _____ (do) after school? 5.Danny ______(study) English, Chinese, maths, science and Art at school. play gets Do brush does do studies 6. Mike sometimes ______(go) to the park with his sister. 7. At eight at night, she ________(watch) TV with his parents. goes watches 以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一步选择讲解该语法项的重难点。 a permanent state of affairs a habit, or something you do regularly something which is always true (e.g. scientific facts) (1) 一般现在时的句型结构: ①肯定句: 主语+am/is/are+表语 主语+实义动词(+其它) ②否定句: 主语+am/is/are + not+表语 主语+don’t (doesn’t)+实义动词原形 (+其它) ③疑问句: Am/Is/Are+主语+表语 Do (Does)+主语+实义动词原形(+其它) (2) 一般现在时的用法 1) 表示不随时间的变化而变化的事实、真理、格言、警句等。 ① The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 ② Pr



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