商务英语口语实训(上册)Unit03 Telephone Calls.pptVIP

商务英语口语实训(上册)Unit03 Telephone Calls.ppt

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Unit Three Telephone Calls 电话应答 Part One Warm-up (1) What should be paid special attention when you are going to put through a VIP to your sales manager? Discuss this topic with your partners in groups. Reference Answers The following points may be paid special attention: (1) Say politely: ‘Good morning. Brien Trading Company. May I help you?’ (2) Take notes. Key Word(s): put … through … (给…)接通(电话) Could you put me through to the manager? 你能替我把电话接到经理那里吗? Could you put me through to the manager's office? 你能替我把电话接到经理办公室吗? Could you put me through to Mr Wang, please? 能给我接通王先生吗? Key Word(s): hold the line 请别挂电话 Would you hold the line, please? 请不要挂断好吗? Just a minute. Hold the line please. 稍等一下,请别挂线。 Will you please hold the line a minute? 请等一下,别挂上电话。 Would you like to hold the line for a moment? 你能稍等一会(不挂电话)么? Key Word(s):on another phone Yes, hold on please. She's on another phone right now.好的,请稍等。她现在在接电话。 Sorry, I am still on the phone. Could you hold for another minute? 对不起, 我还在讲电话, 能不能再请你稍候一分钟。 Unfortunately, he's on another phone now. Could you please give a call back later? 他现在电话占线,请过会儿打来好吗? Key Word(s):leave a message May I leave a message? 我能留下口信吗? Please leave a message after the beep. 请在讯号后留下你的口讯。 Sorry, John isn't in, please leave a message. 对不起,约翰不在,请留个口信吧。 He didn't leave a message, but here's his card. 他没有留言,倒是留下了一张名片。 Key Word(s):take a message The manager is out, can I take a message? 经理外出了,我可以替你转个口信吗? Sorry, She is out. Shall I take a message? 抱歉,她外出了,你要留口信吗? Sorry I am not sure. Can I take a message? 对不起,我不清楚。你要留个口信吗? I'm afraid I can't. Can you take a message? 我恐怕不行。可以留个口信吗? Key Word(s): please e-mail back to me Please write me an e-mail when you go back to Chicago.当你回芝加哥时,请写电子邮件给我。 Please mail your comments back to me, Thank you!请将您的意见以邮件形式回复给我,谢谢! Please review the E-mail and give a comment on it, then send back to me.收到邮件后请审阅并加上批注,然后回传给我。 Part Three Classroom Activities Classroom Activity 1 1. Two speakers are involved in this conversat


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