The Greenhouse Effect on Earth Institute for Astronomy天文研究所的温室效应.pptVIP

The Greenhouse Effect on Earth Institute for Astronomy天文研究所的温室效应.ppt

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The Greenhouse Effect on Earth Institute for Astronomy天文研究所的温室效应

The Greenhouse Effect on Earth Water On Earth Greenhouse Gases The primary components of Earth’s atmosphere, N2 and O2 do not have absorption in the IR wavelength range, therefore, do not have a significant role in setting the surface temperature of the planet… Greenhouse gas are efficient in absorbing IR light… The most important greenhouse gases are: H2O – Water vapor. CO2 – Carbon Dioxide CH4 – methane The most abundant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere is water vapor. Most of the greenhouse heating of Earth’s atmosphere is due to Water vapor absorption of IR radiation emitted by Earth, and then transferring the energy to the surrounding air molecule Source of Water Mt. St Helen eruption, 2004! The Atmosphere of Earth The atmosphere of Earth contains primarily N2 (77%) and O2 (21%). What happened to all the CO2? Where did all the O2 come from? CO2 CO2 is a colorless gas… condenses into solid form (dry ice) at -78°C in atmospheric pressure. condenses into liquid at -57°C at pressure above 5.1 atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric CO2 is derived from (The sources…) Volcanic outgassing burning of organic matter Respiration of living organisms … CO2 can be stored in (The Sinks…) Highly soluble in water: forms H2CO3 Dissolved CO2 in water can interact with silicate minerals to form carbonated minerals… … Carbon Dioxide Cycle The mechanism by which Earth self-regulates its temperature is called the carbon dioxide cycle, or the CO2 cycle for short. Starting with the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: Volcanoes outgas CO2 into the atmosphere. Atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans. At the same time, rainfall erodes rocks on Earth’s continents and rivers carry the eroded minerals to the oceans. In the oceans, the eroded minerals combine with dissolved carbon dioxide and fall to the ocean floor, making carbonate rocks such as limestone. Over millions of years, the conveyor belt of plate tectonics carries the carbonate rocks to subduction zones, and subd


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