高中英语同课异构教学课件 Unit 4 Using Language.pptVIP

高中英语同课异构教学课件 Unit 4 Using Language.ppt

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Name: Dodo Birthplace: Island of Mauritius Figure: huge Favorite food: fruit Color: grey and blue 1.What is the main idea of the story? A. This story is about how foolish the dodo was. C. This story is about how the dodo and Man made friends. D. This story is about how the other birds and animals tried to save the dodo. What were the elements that threatened the endangered animals? Step 1. Choose an endangered animal and collect your ideas for the letter. Step 3. Be clear about your idea. You can take these points into account. Unit 4 Wildlife protection Duck Monkey Rabbit Panda 熊猫 Manchurian?tiger [m?n't?u?ri?n] 东北虎 Endangered Animals Sumatran rhinoceros [su'ma:tr?n] [ra?'n s(?)r?s] 北部白犀牛 (苏门答腊犀牛 ) c Dinosaur 恐龙 Dodo 渡渡鸟 Mammoth 猛犸象(长毛象) Extinct Animals Fast Reading When did dinosaurs live? 1 Scan the short passage and answer these questions below. When did dinosaurs disappear? 2 They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. Dinosaurs died out suddenly about 65 million years ago. be born or come into existence ↗ Dodo’s story Introduction 毛里求斯 B. This story is about why the dodo became extinct. 2. The dodo is ______. A. fierce B. unkind D. foolish 3. He wants to believe that Man is telling the truth because _____. A. Man is friendly C. he thinks the bears and monkeys lie D. Man is his best friend √ 4. He didn’t realize who had killed many of his friends until ____. A. Man told him the truth B. the other birds told him D. the monkeys told him C. he saw how hi


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