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本科毕业设计论文 题目:旋转磁场仪的硬件设计 院 (系): 电子信息工程学院 专 业: 生物医学工程 旋转磁场仪的硬件设计 摘要 所有生物体都具有磁场,在生物体周围的环境中也常常存在着很多形式的磁场,这些磁场对生物体的组织结构和生理活动都会产生一定影响。磁场对生物体的影响效应一方面和磁场本身的特征相关,别一方面也和生物的种类和磁场的作用部位有关。 为了更方便、准确地研究旋转磁场的生物效应,本课题根据已学过的电子电路知识、单片机控制技术等知识,研究设计了一种以单片机为核心的高精度旋转磁场仪。本设计以AT89C51单片机为核心,利用单片机自身带的定时中断,I/O输出以及将一些外围器件等有机结合起来,实现用按键对步进电机的连续调速,实时控制与显示步进电机的工作方式。另外,采用优化合理的步进电机驱动电路,用软件编程等精确控制技术,使整个系统工作稳定可靠。本设计对系统的硬件、软件进行了设计与实现,硬件部分主要包括基于PROTEUS的系统原理图的设计、仿真和PCB电路板的制作。软件设计主要包括C语言在程序设计中的应用,用键盘输入控制步进电机的运转方式以及将运行状态显示于液晶屏。 关键词:单片机;步进电机;旋转磁场;磁场生物效应 The Hardware Design of Rotating Magnetic Field Abstract All life forms have magnetism.All kinds of magnetic field would have some effects on the configuration and activities of life forms that whichever environmental magnetic,additional magnetic or inside magnetic of organism.The biologic effects are related to the characteristics and the intension of the magnetic field,as well as the species and the tissues of the life forms. In order to study on biological effects of rotary magnetic field conveniently and precisely,In this subject, according to the knowledge has been learned of the electronic circuits,MCU control technology,and research and design a instrument for generating rotary magnetic field,which is based on a single-chip microcomputer.The design for the AT89C51 microcomputer as the core,the microcomputer itself with the timer interrupt,I/O output and peripheral devices combine to achieve a continuous speed control with buttons on the stepper motor,stepper motor real-time control and display of ways of working.In addition,the optimization of stepper motor drive circuit,software programming and precise control of the whole system is stable.The design of the system is the design and implementation of hardware and software,The hardware part includes the system schematic diagram based on the PROTEUS design,simulation and PCB circuit board production. The software design includes C language programming,with the keyboar


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