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毕业设计 立式冲击粉碎机的结构设计 摘 要 本课题是立式冲击粉碎机的结构设计。首先介绍了一下国内外粉碎机生产技术的发展状况以及各种不同的粉碎机设备,然后在这些粉碎机的基础上对本设计进行整体方案的确定。 本设计主要包括粉碎、分级和传动部分。粉碎部分包括粉碎盘和齿形衬套。粉碎盘为销棒式结构,锤体圆周排列,出料粒径小,适用于热敏性与韧性材料的粉碎;齿形衬套为圆弧形,空气极易形成局部高速涡漩流场,使物料产生高速震颤,加剧了物料间的碰撞;分级机构可以使物料避免过度粉碎,达到所需粒径时在气流粘滞力的作用下及时排出;其传动系统采用带传动,可以缓冲吸振,传动平稳无噪声,且适用于较大距离间两轴的传递。设计过程中的很多数据都是采用以往的经验值,选材部分也是通过以往的经验来选择。通过查阅相关的技术手册来确定一些标准件。 设计的过程中首先分析立式粉碎机的结构以及粉碎机的工作原理,粉碎的方法。知道各部分的功能及组成。其次查阅相关紧固件的尺寸,理论联系实际确定各部件选用的制作材料。最后运用CAD画出总的装配图及主要部件的零件图。 关键词:立式冲击粉碎机;结构设计;二维图。 ABSTRACT The issue is the structural design of vertical impact crusher. First introduced the look at home and abroad crusher manufacturing technology development and a variety of mill equipment, and then on the basis of these mill the determination of the overall program design. The design includes crushing, classification and transmission part. Some, including crushing and grinding plate gear bushing. Crush plate structure for the pin bar, hammer circle arrangement, the material particle size, suitable for grinding heat sensitive materials with toughness; toothed, rounded bush, the air can easily form a local high-speed vortex flow field, so that materials produce high-speed tremor, increased collisions between the material; rating agencies can make the material to avoid excessive grinding, to achieve the required particle size in the air when the effect of viscous forces to discharge the waste; its transmission system with belt drive, you can buffer absorber, transmission stable noise-free and suitable for large distance between the two axes of the transfer. Many of the design process the data are based on past experience the value, selection in part by past experience to choose. Through access to relevant technical manuals to determine the number of standard parts. The process of analyzing the design of vertical mill of the structure and working principle grinder, grinding method. Know the functions and composition of the various parts. Second, the size of access-related fasteners, th



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