学位论文-试论行政信赖保护原则 .doc

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摘 要 行政信赖保护原则在行政法中占有重要的地位,应视为行政法的基本原则之一,在国外,尤其是法律发达国家,信赖保护已经明确列入行政法的基本原则之中,但在我国,此原则还没有真正确立起来,也没有相关的法律制度加以支持,在立法、司法、实践方面存在很多问题,有必要尽快加以完善。完善我国的信赖保护原则,首先,立法方面必须先行,确立信赖保护为行政法基本原则,行政补偿和行政行为撤销程序等方面应加强和完善;其次,实践上要加强行政力度,在思想观念、执法程序方面要严格化,行政复议制度也应完善;最后,在司法方面,建议建立行政判例制度并对规范性文件的实施进行监督。 关键词 信赖保护原则,法律安定性,存续保护,制度构建 Abstract Principle of administrative trust protection occupies an important position in the administrative law, shall be deemed to be one of the basic principles of administrative law,In foreign countries, especially developed countries law, trust protection has explicitly included in the basic principles of administrative law,But in our country, this principle has not really established, also does not have the relevant legal system to support, a lot of problems exist in the aspect of legislation, justice, practice, it is necessary to be perfected as soon as possible.Perfect our countrys faith protection principle, first of all, the legislation must come first, to establish trust protection as the basic principle of administrative law, administrative compensation and administrative behavior should strengthen and perfect the cancellation procedure, etc;Second, in practice to strengthen the administrative power, in the thought idea, the strict law enforcement procedure, administrative reconsideration system should be perfected;Finally, in terms of justice, suggested to establish administrative case system and supervise the implementation of the normative documents. Keywords reliance protection principle, legal stability, survival protection, system construction 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引言 1 一、行政信赖保护原则的产生与价值 2 (一)行政信赖保护原则的起源与发展 2 (二)行政信赖保护原则的价值功能定位 3 (三)两大法系对信赖保护原则的研究 4 1、大陆法系中的行政信赖保护原则 4 2、英美法系中的“合法期待”原则与“正当程序”保护的利益 5 二、行政信赖保护原则的法理依据与内容 7 (一)行政信赖保护原则的法理依据 7 1、诚实信用原则的应用。 7 2、法律安定性原则的必然结果。 7 (二)行政信赖保护原则的主要内容 7 1、信赖保护原则的基本特征 8 2、信赖保护原则的适用 8 三、行政信赖保护原则的具体应用及其完善 13 (一)我国信赖保护原则的应用现状及存在的问题 13 1、信赖保护原则的立法现状及存在问题 13 2、信赖保护原则的实践现状及存在问题: 14 (二)行



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