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XX大学 毕业设计 (论文) 同步矩形传送机械设计 作 者: 学 号: 学院(系): 专 业: 题 目: 2016 年 月 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 采用同步矩形运动传送机械是提高产品质量与劳动生产率,实现生产过程自动化,改善劳动条件,减轻劳动强度的一种有效手段。按照预定要求输送工件或握持工具进行操作的自动化技术装备。同步矩形传送可以代替人手的繁重劳动,显著减轻工人的劳动强度,改善劳动条件,提高劳动生产率和生产自动化水平。工业生产中经常出现的笨重工件的搬运和长期、频繁、单调的操作,采用同步矩形传送是有效的;此外,它能在高温、低温、深水、宇宙、放射性和其它有毒、污染环境条件下进行操作,更显示其优越性,有着广阔的发展前途。 本课题的主要内容是采用同步矩形运动传送机械,设计横移机构,使产品沿水平方向移动1100mm,保证结构的刚度足够,结构合理、可靠。设计升降机构,使产品垂直升降150mm。计同步机构,使30组横移梁同步运动,误差在可控范围。 结合设计的各方面的知识,在设计过程中学会怎样发现问题。解决问题.研究问题。并且在设计中融入自己的想法和构思,提高自己的创新能力。尽力使同步矩形传送使用方便,结构简单。 关键词: 同步矩形;结构设计;步进电机;回转 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Abstract The synchronous rectangular transmitting motion machinery is to improve product quality and productivity, the realization of the production process automation, improve working conditions, reduce labor intensity is an effective means of. According to the predetermined requirements of automation technology and equipment or hold the tools to operate. The heavy labor synchronous rectangular transmission can substitute for manpower, greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve working conditions, improve labor productivity and automation level of production. Industrial production in the often cumbersome workpiece handling and frequent, the long, monotonous operation, using synchronous rectangular transfer is effective; in addition, it can operate in high temperature, low temperature, water, the universe, radioactive and other toxic, environmental pollution condition, but also show its superiority, there are broad prospects for the development. The main content of this paper is using synchronous rectangular transmitting motion machine, design of shogging mechanism, make the product moves 1100mm along the horizontal direction, ensure that the stiffness of the structure is adequate, reasonable structure, reliable. Design of lifting mechanism, make the product vertical lifting 150mm. Meter synchronization mechanism, so that the 30 groups of transverse beam


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