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摘要 根据综合医院建筑设计规范和其他相关标准,以及设计要求和提供的地质资料,设计该框架结构,按照先建筑设计后结构设计,先整体布局后节点设计的顺序进行。 本次设计为XXX中心医院门诊楼,包括两部分:建筑设计和结构设计。本设计采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,抗震等级为级,抗震设防烈度为度Abstract According to building design specifications and other revelant stangards and desing requirements and provided geological data, the design of the framework of the general hospital. After the first building in accordance with the structure and layout of the overall after the first local node design steps design. My design is XXX district central hospital outpatient service building, consists of two parts: building design and structural design. Design of a cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the outpatient five-storey.According to the design requirements, seismic intensity of 7 degrees, two anti-seismic structure. In the whole process of architecture dssign,compliance with the principle of applicable,beautiful,economic and reference national standards and revelant materials,strictly follow the design specification of revelant architecture and consider each segment about design comprehensively. Architecture design content includes architecture graphic design, fa?ade design, section design and floor, stair design ect. Structural design adopts frame structure.Main contents include: structural layout and schematic calculation of identification, load, stress,the combination of internalforces, main beam reinforcement design and calculation,frame-section design and reinforcement, meeting beam reinforcement design, floor and roof design, stair design, infrastructure design. Enclosing the internal force in the structure under the horizontal loads can be calculated by D value method and the determination of the internal force under the dead and live loads by stratification and two bending moment distribution method. Keywords: Outpatient service building Architecture design Structual design Reinforced concrete Staircase Rain awning Foundation 目录 1 建筑设计……………………………………………………………………1 1.1


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